We’re Going to Teach 30,000 People About AI, and We Need Your Help

Junaid Warwani
A.I. For Anyone
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2020

TLDR: Play our game and help us teach AI: bit.ly/ai-in-60-game

For the past sixteen months, I’ve been building a curriculum for A.I. For Anyone, a non-profit based in NYC. Our mission is to improve AI literacy, especially among students, and we’ve been doing this by going into local high schools and running workshops where we teach the fundamentals.

This approach has allowed us to reach around 1,500 students in just under two years, and we’ve been blown away by how well the students, and teachers, have responded. This year, we had plans to start scaling by adding more workshop facilitators and launching in a new city. COVID-19, and the subsequent shutdown of all schools, brought all of those plans to a screeching halt.

Sometimes, however, new and bigger opportunities can come from unexpected places. As we started thinking about what we can do to continue our mission during these uncertain times, we got connected with some folks at Mark Cuban Foundation (MCF). Mark has been talking about AI and its growing importance for a long time, and in our conversations with MCF, we realized there was an opportunity to partner and host a virtual workshop to teach people about AI.

Within a week of starting conversations, we threw up a quick Eventbrite and waited to see what would happen. A week later, we had nearly 30,000 people sign up to get a virtual introduction to AI. And this is where we can use your help.

For our workshop, we’ve set up a game where you get to learn the same way an AI model would: through examples and lots of repetition. We’ll be using the game to illustrate how a machine learning model can tell you whether something is a cat or a dog, without having any conceptual knowledge about cats or dogs. Similarly, in this game, you’ll get to learn how to classify Digikons, a being in a make-believe world, without having any conceptual knowledge of Digikons and the strange planet they live on!

So help us out! Play our game, see how well you do, and see if you are able to get better at classifying Digikons as you get more examples and feedback. No pressure — do your best and have fun, while knowing that you’ll be helping teach the fundamentals of AI to 30,000 people!

Link to the game: bit.ly/ai-in-60-game

Sign-up for the virtual workshop

About A.I. For Anyone // Founder’s Story

About Mark Cuban Foundation // MCF AI Bootcamp Press



Junaid Warwani
A.I. For Anyone

Helping startups grow from an idea into mature, sustainable companies that bring value to the world