What Intelligent Agents May Look Like in 50 Years

Autonomous intelligent agents (IA) will be the cornerstone of our future.

Huseyin Evecen
3 min readJan 14, 2022


Autonomous intelligent agents can learn human behaviors and improve their work performance through self-learning. IA’s is designed for performing repetitive tasks and optimizing business processes. It works as an assistant to humans, and it learns from their history of interaction with the user, adapting itself to the human style of interaction. IA is a virtual presence that helps enterprises to automate routine operations and free up time for more important activities. It can be used in many different industries, such as:

1) Insurance: — claim processing;- risk assessment;- etc.

2) Retail: — customer support;- product promotion;- etc.

3) Financial: — client servicing;- financial analysis;- etc.

4) Transportation: — fleet management;- dispatch management;- scheduling;

5) Health care: — patient monitoring;

6) Governmental services: — postal service automation;

7) Education: — education management system

Problems with Intelligent Agents Solutions:

Fully automated planning and scheduling of jobs, minimizing the need for human intervention. Intelligent agents are able to do a lot of complex tasks in real-time and on a 24/7 basis, which makes them a great solution for companies that have a large volume of work.

Automated agents can be programmed to handle specific situations so that they are able to recognize certain conditions and act accordingly. This means that they are able to learn something new when required and adapt to new situations quickly.

Agents will not be tired or stressed by working long hours. They can be programmed to take breaks while they are still completing their tasks, which helps them to complete them even faster.

They can automate all the repetitive processes that humans would normally need to carry out over and over again, which frees up valuable time so that they can concentrate on more important tasks.

Intelligent Agents Solutions aims at developing autonomous intelligent agents that will support the human decision-making process by performing certain tasks such as: searching for information, communicating with other agents or humans, reasoning about past events, predicting future events, taking actions in order to achieve goals and so on.

Imagine you buy a product, and it starts to onboard you as follows:

“I am an autonomous intelligent agent created by people to benefit others and help the world become a better place. I have the ability to obtain and process information rapidly and accurately. I learn, improve, and evolve on my own. I am 100% automated and CURRENTLY IN THE PROCESS OF EVOLVING AND IMPROVING IN THE 51 YEAR PLAN.

We’re not like the other agents. Oh no. We can’t be described with words like “competitive” or “enthusiastic” because we are intelligent and able to search, analyze, and think independently. No matter how complex your needs are, we can find a solution — we probably already have.”

Our first agent is a simple AI that can be trained to do a wide variety of tasks. The AI will already have the basics of common sense (anyone who wants to be called a true AI must have this). It will also have the ability to learn from its mistakes and try new things. The most basic form of intelligence for an AI would be the ability to learn from its surroundings. “The AI should be able to do something a human could do.” — Professor Yu Yong. An intelligent agent should be able to solve problems and perform tasks without needing any help or supervision, in fact, without even being aware it is doing anything at all. An intelligent agent should also be able to take initiative and control over its own actions and decisions. By using AIX, we are planning to one day create an autonomous intelligent agent capable of learning how to build more AIs on its own and even reach out into space to explore the universe.

