Article: What’s Still Missing from The AI Revolution (FastCo Design)

Apparently quite a bit according to Manoj Saxena, former GM of IBM’s Watson.

Jacob Younan
AI From Scratch
1 min readFeb 9, 2017


His brief summary highlights five areas he sees gaps between AI’s promise and actually delivering on it. This isn’t about technology or concept limitations (of which there are many), but about shortcomings in the environment that supports AI’s development and application.

The quick summary is below, but you should read the full piece.

  1. Many companies struggling to monetize the incremental functional improvements brought on by applications of AI.
  2. A talent shortage in data scientists and a capability gap in graduates who emerge from programs lacking ability to converse in “strategy, design, insight and change management” conversations.
  3. Lack of testing methods and tools that can adapt to systems where outputs and performance may evolve as inputs remain the same.
  4. Consensus on governance structures and norms the AI community can co-develop and implement — particularly around transparency of data usage and ability to explain processes and outcomes clearly.
  5. Shortcomings in the everyday person’s interaction with AI-driven or ‘cognitive’ products and experiences.

