About Me

Jacob Younan
AI From Scratch
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017

Who is this lay person you speak of?

I’m currently working and living in New York (though I am proudly Canadian). I’ve spent my career in a variety of capacities in the data-driven and loyalty marketing space, most recently managing an ambitious project in Asia.

My interest in artificial intelligence was sparked in a speech given by Professor Nick Bostrom at C2 2016 in Montreal, wherein he shared the current best estimates for when we’re likely to create human-level artificial intelligence. Since then, my own timeline for learning about it and contributing to both its progress and careful use have accelerated.

If we’re collectively underestimating our future progress — which we often do — there’s a very clear need for more people who understand the impact of advancements. If we’re dead-on in our estimates, the same holds. That alone is compelling enough for me.

A quick note: While I have no plans to share any extreme content or views here, the resources I do share and sentiments expressed in posts are reflective of my views alone.

