Introducing Antonio García — as voted upon by the Chicago design community — as the new Co President of AIGA Chicago.
Antonio García, the new Co-President of AIGA Chicago (photo credit: Kyle La Mere)

Please welcome and embrace Antonio García as the new Co-President of the AIGA Chicago Chapter

A passing of the torch


June is the month AIGA Chicago transitions leadership roles and welcomes new individuals to the board. In years past, this has taken place at annual meetings and town halls. This year, we have to do so virtually.

Today, we not only welcome passionate new individuals to the board (including Dave Pabellon as our new Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, and Nicholas Phillips as our new Mentor Program Co-Vice President), but we transition half of the Co-Presidency to new leadership.

So it is with great honor that I introduce my colleague and friend Antonio García — as voted upon by the Chicago design community — as the new Co-President of AIGA Chicago.

Over the past three years as Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion on the AIGA Chicago Board, Antonio has unquestioningly rolled up his sleeves alongside our dedicated colleagues, staff, volunteers, and design community to put in the work necessary to change our organization for the better.

On The Daily, AIGA Chicago’s own Diversity and Inclusion Report, our annual town hall — these, among many other initiatives, would not exist without his efforts and close collaboration with the board and our volunteer community. These actions have lead to a more inclusive chapter — one dedicated to serving a membership base truly reflective of the Chicago community considering diversity in demographics and modalities of practice.

A relentless advocate for design, designers, community, justice, and humanity, Antonio embodies the definition of a conscious design leader through his professional and private actions and efforts.

Now is the time for leaders in the world — let alone within the design community — to carry us forward with uncompromised vision, wisdom, and heart.

There’s significant work to be done as AIGA Chicago strives to live up to its mission to embrace, amplify, and advance designers and the role of design in our community.

And I cannot think of someone better, at this moment in time or any other, to lead our chapter forward alongside the brilliant Valerie Craig and the rest of our impassioned board leadership, staff, and volunteer community.

I’m thrilled to see what transformation takes place under their collective guidance and hard work.

So please join me in welcoming Antonio to the position of AIGA Chicago Co-President, as we formally pass the torch of leadership!

AIGA Chicago volunteer board service is open to all members of the AIGA Chicago community.

For more information on chapter rules, processes, and procedures related to board positions—including nominations, voting, and terms—please visit the AIGA Chicago website or contact Executive Director Kelly Knaga directly:



David Sieren
AIGA Chicago

Director of Design and Strategy, One Design. Co-President Emeritus, AIGA Chicago. Adjunct Faculty, DePaul University. Co-Founder, The Post Family.