AiGoLearning 2021 Summer Camps!

Anant Matta
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2021

As summer approaches closer and closer, AiGoLearning is preparing to begin our 2021 Summer Camps! As such, we have opportunities for both students of all ages to get involved in the world of computer science, and high schoolers the opportunity to the next generation of computer science students.

The 2021 summer camps have 5 distinct classes:

  • Scratch jr. (ages 5–7)
  • Scratch (ages 7–9)
  • Scratch AI (ages 9–12)
  • Python (ages 10–14)
  • Java (ages 11-15)

Each class is composed of one or more sessions, each of which builds upon the programming concepts taught in the last, and is based on a project-oriented curriculum that has the children learn by experience rather than by a textbook. The curriculum for all classes can be found at, and if you are at all interested in how typical classes function, AiGoLearning hosts complimentary demo classes every Friday after school.

The Summer Sessions range 2 to 12 weeks (June 6 — August 29), with flexible options customizable for your need.

Summer camps have the option for Option A (every two weeks) or B (every four weeks) across 6 sessions.

However, AiGoLearning would not be possible without the effort of over 100+ high school students who taken the initiative to each their own classes. From the very beginning, AiGoLearning has held the philosophy “Teens Teach Kids”, in line with the age-old adage that one’s knowledge is put to best use by teaching it to the future leaders of the world.

AiGoLearning teaching opportunities are open to anyone, so long as you have proficiency in computer science and are motivated to do the best you can. AiGoLearning provides a teacher training course prior to teaching, so you will know everything to be ready to teach a class of your own.

Personally having been a teacher for AiGoLearning for over a month, I can tell you that being able to use my passion for computer science to teach eager students is extremely rewarding in its own way.

If you’re interested in becoming a student or teacher for AiGoLearning, head over to for more detailed course descriptions and registration for all summer programs.

