Building Bridges: AiGoLearning and NHS!

Anant Matta
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2021

For the past months, AiGoLearning has been striving to form relations with educational and service organizations in order to broaden our reach and influence across the United States! Towards the middle of May 2021, AiGoLearning formed an official relationship with the Chinese School Association in the United States (CSAUS) in order to help introduce AiGoLearning teaching and learning opportunities to its 100+ schools.

Edmond Niu is a core member of AiGoLearning and works as a student teacher as well as on both our NHS and our STEM4ALL initiatives. Learn more about him at

Now currently, under the leadership of Edmond Niu, AiGoLearning is working towards becoming an official form of volunteer work for the National Honor Society (NHS) at the local, and eventually, larger levels. The NHS is a scholarship, service, leadership, and character valuing organization that encourages its 1+ million members worldwide to volunteer and help make the world a better place.

As many of our members (including myself) are both AiGoLearning and NHS members in our respective high schools and could allow us to provide STEM volunteering opportunities. I had a brief chat with Edmond to talk about his initiative:

Why did you want to reach out to NHS, and what did you set out to accomplish?

The AiGoLearning NHS initiative aims to spread the opportunity to teach at AiGoLearning to NHS associations around the world. I started working with my high school, High Technology High School a couple of weeks ago. Mike [our adult advisor] has helped me to draft and develop a final copy of a pitch/proposal that I shared with the HTHS NHS advisor for approval.

How has it been going currently? Any plans for the future?

It has just recently been approved a few days ago, and I am preparing and reading over it one last time to send to the NHS members of my school tomorrow.

I hope that this will allow the HTHS students that are looking to fulfill their volunteer hour requirement and gain teaching experience to satisfy their needs and bring more teachers into AiGoLearning to teach the plethora of students that the organization has.

Edmond and the rest of AiGoLearning behind the push to work with the NHS have been on a roll introducing AiGoLearning to High Technology HS, and we hope that this is only the beginning of our relationship!

For anyone interested in the NHS, you can learn more about them and their goals at

If you’re interested in becoming a student or teacher for AiGoLearning, head over to for more detailed course descriptions and registration for all summer programs.

