Meet the Ambassador

Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2023

Q:What type of questionnaires are you going to create?

The type of surveys I made a template for are two different types of class Evaluations. One that is short-answer on students’ class experience. In result of this teachers can review what teaching style can remain in the classes and what needs improvement. Lastly teachers does a separate survey as well.

Q: How are you going to help young kids to support each other at Aigol?

For example, students who excel in a certain topic in class can have peer to peer mentorship with other students that needs the additional support. Therefore, peer to peer mentorship will help all students to learn more from each other.

Q: Why do you think having flash sales on national holidays are good and how much percentage off for demo classes?

15–25% but I would have to get other team members input at AiGoL Learning on social media platform like Instagram for major holiday day sales that’s pertaining to coding/programming. For example, programmers’ day is coming up on September 13th it would be a good idea to do something on this day.

How do you think your role in Aigolearning will impact and have an effect on upcoming student in the fall?

My role at Aigol Learning will hopefully improve an already great company to thrive in the long run. Since, I want to do incorporate many things like getting Aigol’s name out there through social media platforms and other ways to keep students at Aigol by seeing what they want to see more through surveys and getting teachers’ perspectives too. In conclusion, I hope that whoever are interested in AigoLearning can see the amazing & fun opportunities we offer to everyone.

If you want to know more about our new generation ambassador here her link to YouTube

