How To Build Hierarchical Multi-Agent Systems?

Vishal Rajput
Published in
11 min readJul 29, 2024


Are Agents just simple rules? Are Agents just enhanced reasoning? The answer is yes and no. Yes, in the sense that agents have simple rules and can sometimes enhance reasoning capabilities compared to a single prompt. But No in the sense that agents can have a much more diverse functionality like using specific tools, summarizing, or even following a particular style.

So, without further ado, let’s dive deep into this hot topic.

Topics Covered

  • What Is An Agent?
  • Multi-Agent System Dependencies
  • Multi-Agent Frameworks
  • Types of Multi-Agent Setups
  • Building A Multi-Agent Hierarchical System

What Is An Agent?

An “agent” is an automated reasoning and decision engine. It takes in a user input/query and can make internal decisions for executing that query in order to return the correct result. The key agent components can include, but are not limited to:

  • Breaking down a complex question into smaller ones
  • Choosing an external Tool to use + coming up with parameters for calling the Tool
  • Planning out a set of tasks
  • Storing previously completed tasks in a

