The Challenges of Evaluating Large Language Models

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3 min readAug 1, 2024

As the field of natural language processing (NLP) advances, the evaluation of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 becomes increasingly important and complex. Traditional metrics such as accuracy are often inadequate for assessing these models’ performance because they fail to capture the nuances of human language. In this article, we will explore why evaluating LLMs is challenging and discuss effective methods like BLEU and ROUGE for a more comprehensive evaluation.

Why Accuracy Falls Short

Accuracy is a straightforward metric that works well for tasks with clear-cut answers, such as classification problems. However, it is insufficient to evaluate LLMs that generate or understand language because human language is inherently flexible and context-dependent. For instance, consider the following two sentences:

  1. “The cat is sitting on the mat.”
  2. “A mat has a cat sitting on it.”

Both sentences convey the same meaning but use different words and structures. An accuracy metric might score these sentences differently despite their semantic equivalence. This limitation highlights the need for more sophisticated evaluation metrics that can capture the richness of natural language.

BLEU: Bilingual Evaluation Understudy

BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy) is a popular metric for evaluating the quality of text generated by LLMs, particularly in machine translation. It compares the n-grams of the generated text with those of reference texts and calculates a score based on the overlap.

BLUE Equation

Upsides of BLEU:

  • Quantitative: Provides a numerical score that can be used to compare models.
  • Established: Widely accepted and used in the NLP community.

Downsides of BLEU:

  • Surface Matching: Focuses on exact matches of n-grams, which may not capture semantic similarity.
  • Insensitive to Variations: Penalizes valid linguistic variations and synonyms, potentially undervaluing creative or diverse language use.

ROUGE: Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation

ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) is another metric commonly used for evaluating text generation tasks, particularly summarization. It measures the overlap of n-grams, word sequences, and word pairs between the generated text and reference texts.

ROUGE Equation

Upsides of ROUGE:

  • Recall-Oriented: Emphasizes the capture of relevant information, making it useful for summarizing tasks.
  • Versatile: Includes several variations (ROUGE-N, ROUGE-L, etc.) that evaluate different aspects of the text.

Downsides of ROUGE:

  • Recall Bias: May overemphasize recall at the expense of precision, leading to higher scores for longer outputs that include more reference content.
  • Context Ignorance: Similar to BLEU, it may miss the context and deeper semantic meaning of the text.

Balancing Metrics for Comprehensive Evaluation

No single metric can comprehensively evaluate the performance of LLMs. Instead, a combination of metrics should be used to assess different aspects of language understanding and generation. BLEU and ROUGE are useful but should be complemented with human evaluation and other metrics that consider semantic similarity and contextual appropriateness.


Evaluating LLMs is a multifaceted challenge that goes beyond simple accuracy metrics. By understanding the strengths and limitations of BLEU and ROUGE, and using them alongside other evaluation methods, we can achieve a more nuanced and accurate assessment of these advanced models. This approach ensures that LLMs continue to improve in ways that align with human communication and understanding.

The cat is sitting on the mat.



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Software Engineer specializing in ML. Data Science MS from Berkeley.