Working Progress #1: Case design

Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019

As you may have guessed, due to the recent release of the Raspberry Pi 4, cases are found few and far between. We initially planned to package our developer kit with a OneNineDesign case that fit well with the home sensor aesthetic we were going for, but we soon realized that surprise surprise, the RPi 4 doesn’t share the same port holes and as the RPi 3B+…

But not to worry, we’ve been looking at alternatives including 3D printing our own prototype cases. Here’s a quick render of a design we’ve been working on:

A little boring, but discreet
A little boring, but discreet

P.S. It’s not yet the final version of our case, we might need to change the structure to fit the fan and camera.

Although the AIKEA case this time will most likely look like this, but while prototyping we have managed to sneak a few fun ones past the crew.

Presenting: the AIKEA Alarm! Guaranteed that the police will know there’s been a break in, along with the entire neighborhood.
The AIKEA-Book! A little on the nose, but hilarious nonetheless

Lemme know which one you guys like the best! And which ones you’d like to see in future AIKEA releases!

