Shopify Unveils New AI-Powered Tools at Summer ’23 Edition

Issen Alibris
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2023

Shopify, the leading ecommerce platform and website builder, unveiled several new artificial intelligence (AI) features at its recent Summer ’23 Edition event. Dubbed “Shopify Magic”, these tools aim to help merchants accomplish tasks faster and grow their businesses.

Key Highlights of Shopify’s New AI Tools

Sidekick — This AI assistant acts like a commerce-focused ChatGPT. It can respond to natural language prompts to help with store design, marketing, inventory management, and more. Sidekick leverages large language models to provide useful suggestions and workflows. Early feedback from beta testers has been overwhelmingly positive.

Instant Blog Post Generation — Merchants can now generate complete blog posts by providing a few prompts to Shopify’s AI. It will create posts optimized for SEO, focused on driving traffic and conversions. The AI can also edit posts to refine messaging and keywords. This tool helps Shopify merchants quickly create content without writing experience.

Auto-Generated Email Content — Shopify Magic can now instantly create email subject lines and body copy. The AI optimizes emails for open and clickthrough rates. It also sends them at the ideal time based on data insights. Email marketing automation saves merchants time while boosting results.

Expanded Wholesale Capabilities — New tools like Marketplace Connect help merchants expand into wholesale channels and marketplaces like Amazon. Automated order processing and inventory syncing make wholesaling easier. By tapping into these channels, Shopify stores can rapidly scale their customer base.

Immersive Storefront Design — Shopify’s AI can generate 3D product models for more engaging storefronts. It can also create virtual try-on experiences and augmented reality previews. These interactive experiences keep customers more engaged while shopping online.

Influencer Marketing Platform — The new Shopify Influence tool allows merchants to connect with creators and influencers to promote their products. Small businesses can find relevant influencers, manage collaborations, and track campaign performance. It makes influencer marketing accessible for any Shopify business.

Why Shopify Leads the Ecommerce Industry

With over 2 million merchants powered by its platform, Shopify has emerged as the clear leader in the ecommerce space. The company now powers over 10% of all US retail ecommerce sales.

Shopify’s relentless innovation and focus on merchant success drives its industry dominance. The new AI-powered capabilities give merchants a competitive edge by:

  • Automating time-consuming tasks to boost efficiency
  • Generating data-driven insights for smarter decisions
  • Providing built-in features so no third-party apps needed
  • Constantly updating the platform with new innovations
  • Offering reliable security, support and peace of mind

Shopify also offers flexibility with customizable storefronts and ecosystems. And it scales to fit business needs with plans from just $1/month to enterprise-level.

For anyone looking to start, manage or grow an ecommerce business, Shopify provides unmatched advantages. The platform’s new AI magic makes it even more compelling for selling online.

Shopify By the Numbers

  • 800,000+ active online stores powered by Shopify
  • >35% market share of US retail ecommerce sales
  • >500,000 merchants joined the platform in 2022
  • $188+ billion in sales volume generated by merchants in 2022
  • Shopify stores in 175+ countries around the world

With impressive growth and adoption, it’s clear that Shopify offers exactly what modern merchants need. The company is poised for continued expansion as more businesses move online.

Experience Shopify’s AI-Powered Selling

You can try Shopify’s new AI tools and see why it’s the ecommerce leader by starting a free trial. Pricing begins at just $1 for the first three months. Sign up now to enjoy automated selling and take your business to the next level.



Issen Alibris

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