First Latin America AIM2Flourish Celebration a Flourishing Success

Claire Sommer
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2018
AIM2Flourish Professor George Dionne, AIM2Flourish Director Claire Sommer, and AIM2Flourish Professor Crishelen Kurezyn Díaz at a June 5 press conference organized by the UPAEP news office. Photo Credit: Diario de Campeche

We are so grateful to our Latin American friends and partners for hosting the first AIM2Flourish Latin America Celebration/Primer Foro Latinoamérica AIM2Flourish in Puebla, Mexico on June 7, 2018.

View the June 7 Agenda.

Thanks especially for our hosts at UPAEP and IEDSE and to our AIM2Flourish colleagues Professors George Dionne and Crishelen Kurezyn Díaz for bringing together over 100 students, professors, business leaders, government representatives, and community and family members.

Many thanks to our hosts at IESDE for the beautiful June 6 evening reception, including Alfredo Miranda López and Margarita Heredia.

And at UPAEP Postgradudate Business Management, we send our deepest thanks to José Antonio Llergo, Eugenio Urrutia, Rosa María Cantón and Yésica Mayett.

Event Photos, Presentations, and Videos

#ForoAIM2Flourish 2018 Photo Gallery

Welcome to the #ForoAIM2Flourish
2018 Flourish Prizes Presentation

Amor A Mar — 2018 Flourish Prize Honoree Goal #14 — Life Under Water
Presentation | Video

Cinia — 2017 Flourish Prize Honoree Goal #8 — Decent Work and Economic Growth

Glatt Stove — 2018 Flourish Prizes Finalist
Presentation | #AdiosalaLeña — Fam.DeJesús García Video | La Estufita- instrucciones de uso Video

Empresas para la Paz Objetivo 16 — Paz y Justicia

Agora Partnerships

Río Secreto — 2017 Flourish Prizes Finalist

Estructuras Metálicas Solana 2018 Flourish Prizes Honoree Goal #9 — Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Presentation | Video

UPAEP Posgrados Welcome Videos
Professors Crishelen Kurezyn Díaz and George Dionne, AIM2Flourish Latin America Team

Jonathan Ehlinger, Equipo Estructuras Solana

Professor George Dionne, AIM2Flourish Latin America Team

Professor Crishelen Kurezyn Díaz, AIM2Flourish Latin America Team

News Coverage for June 7 Latin America AIM2Flourish Forum

June 7, 2018 — UPAEP News
AIM2Flourish: Know the stories of companies that earn doing good
AIM2Flourish: Conoce las historias de empresas que ganan haciendo el bien

June 7, 2018 — UPAEP News Service
UPAEP Hosts First Latin America AIM2Flourish Event
UPAEP sede del Primer Foro AIM2 Flourish Latinoamérica 2018

June 7, 2018 — Newsweek en Español
UPAEP International Conference Endorsed by UN
UPAEP sede internacional de foro avalado por ONU

June 6, 2018 — Soysd.Mx
UPAEP International Conference Endorsed by UN
UPAEP sede internacional de foro avalado por ONU

June 6, 2018 — Diario Puntual
UPAEP International Conference Endorsed by UN
UPAEP sede internacional de foro avalado por ONU

June 5, 2018 — Diario de Campeche
UPAEP to host the First AIM2 Flourish Latin America 2018 Forum
UPAEP será sede del Primer Foro AIM2 Flourish Latinoamérica 2018

June 5, 2018 — Conacyt
UPAEP to host the First AIM2 Flourish Latin America 2018 Forum
UPAEP será sede del Primer Foro AIM2 Flourish Latinoamérica 2018

April 25, 2018 — Quórum Informativo
UPAEP Honored with Flourish Prize for Second Consecutive Year
Por segundo año consecutivo UPAEP obtiene el Flourish Prize

April 24, 2018 — UPAEP Press Release
UPAEP Honored with Flourish Prize for Second Consecutive Year
Por segundo año consecutivo UPAEP obtiene el Flourish Prize

AIM2Flourish is an initiative of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at the Weatherhead School of Management — Case Western Reserve University. Please contact AIM2Flourish Director Claire Sommer at to learn more.



Claire Sommer

#GlobalGoals #SDGs #Flourishing Enthusiast. Sea kayaker. Indefatigable optimist. Mid-Coast Maine