10 ChatGPT-4o Hacks To Show You The Real Power Of ChatGPT-4o

AI isn’t just artificial; it’s authentically driving a productivity revolution. With ChatGPT, efficiency becomes second nature, and productivity becomes a way of life

ChatGPT-4o is just gearing up. These 10 ChatGPT hacks will show you the real power of ChatGPT.

Transform your day-to-day productivity and get a better handle on your time with these 10 ChatGPT-4o hacks.

Discover how to optimize your routine workflow and take control of your schedule like never before.

Before we start, remember these pro tips…

  • It’s better to use ChatGPT alongside other productivity tools to maximize efficiency.
  • Use a handful of budget-friendly productivity and AI tools in conjunction with ChatGPT, such as Notion-AI(AI-Everything app), Miro(Free Visual Content Creation from text/chat tool), Quillbot(Grammarly’s more affordable and better version), and SaneBox(Free Email Management tool), which I personally use.
  • These tools are not only cost-effective but will also significantly boost your productivity, enabling you to excel in your day-to-day tasks.
  • Not happy with the output? Tweak these prompts slightly and try again, or ask it to improve its answer.
  • Good prompting skills will always benefit you, whether working with ChatGPT or any other LLM/Generative AI tool.

NOTE: To add more value and as a USP of my blog, at the end of this blog post, I have designed and attached a cheat sheet/carousel of the ChatGPT Prompts discussed here for you to use and save, share on LinkedIn with your friends and colleagues.

Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the download link(PDF) to the carousel right away & use/save it locally.

Also, I’ll share this month’s bonus tip of the best productivity tools that are cheap, effective, and a game changer for everyone. I use, and insist you all try them. So do check them out and use them.

Here is the Bonus tip for you all:


Bonus Tip 1Miro is an AI-native app designed to streamline the process of brainstorming, studying, organizing, note-taking and presenting ideas.

Create stunning visual content(mind-maps, flowcharts, presentations etc) simply by chatting.

Miro helps convert your notes and structured essays into beautiful mind maps. It can create an easy-to-understand visual presentation from any idea or prompt.

Just enter a prompt, and you get a beautiful chart of your choice amongst the 2500+ free concept map templates. It makes me and my team understand everything faster,more efficient, and save a tonne of time.

I use it to create stunning mind maps, visual brainstorming, creating flowcharts and other presentations from my unorganized notes and ideas especially for my work, and studies.

This app has completely revolutionized the way I take notes and record my ideas, as someone who enjoys taking notes and jotting down every idea, this app is truly a game-changer.

It is another value-for-money tool that is dirt cheap compared to the amazing features it provides. Trust me, you will absolutely fall in love with this app’s simplicity, user experience, and ease of use.

Pricing: Freemium

I strongly recommend it to everyone. Definitely a must-have visual productivity tool in your list.

MIRO is truly your perfect day-to-day visual study/brainstorming/ideation buddy.


MIROBest Visual Productivity Tool for this Month


Bonus Tip 2: One great AI Productivity Writing tool I recently started using for day-to-day writing and tasks such as plagiarism checker, grammar checker, QuillBot-Flow , QuillBot AI Content Detector, Paraphraser, Summariser, and translator is QuillBot .

I wanted to try something similar and cheaper than Grammarly(12$ per month). You can take Quillbot as Grammarly’s more affordable and better version with more features.

I purchased its yearly premium for around $4/month (58% off). The price is literally dirt cheap compared to other writing tools I have used in the past.

I personally love QuillBot Flow, and the whole set of amazing writing tools it offers.

Personally, its UI and UX are very simple and easy to use. So, I just wanted to share this awesome, productive tool with you all. Do check it out and use it in your day-to-day writing tasks.

It is literally a one-stop shop writing productivity tool for everyone.


Best Productivity Writing tool for this month

I really insist you go try the above tools out. Trust me, you won’t regret using these tools and will thank me later.

let’s get started and jump right into it —


  1. Daily Schedule Optimization
  2. Convert Meeting Notes into Actionable tasks
  3. Time-Saving Automation Tips
  4. Effective time-management
  5. Accomplish your most important task.
  6. Draft professional emails
  7. Goal Setting and Habit Formation
  8. Creating a Solid Project Plan
  9. Generate a list of SEO keywords
  10. SEO-optimized content creation

Prompt 1 — Daily Schedule Optimization

Develop a comprehensive daily schedule to enhance productivity, including time blocks for focused work, meetings, and breaks specifically tailored for [ your office/remote workspace]. My tasks for the day are [LIST PRIORITIES/TASKS]. Provide me with effective Calendar management and effective time allocation for each task.

Prompt 2 — Convert Meeting notes into actionable tasks

Here are my meeting notes [insert notes]. Can you organize these into a clear list of actionable tasks with assigned team members and deadlines?

Prompt 3 — Time-Saving Automation Tips

Recommend automation tools that can save time on routine administrative tasks. Explore tools like MIRO, Quillbot, Notion AI, and Reclaim-AI. The tools should be value for money, should have a MOAT, and should enhance productivity, streamline processes, reducing manual errors.

Prompt 4 — Effective time-management

[ List your main time-wasting activities, including ones you should automate or delegate] is what takes up the most of my day.” Tell me what I should take out of my calendar to help me better manage my time. Tell me how I assign them to others or lessen these distractions for the remainder.

Prompt 5 — Accomplish your most important task

I feel most energized when [explain what time of day or circumstances you feel most energized] and least energized when [explain when this usually happens]. My firm commitments for today include [insert specifics about your schedule for the day]. How can I match these times of great energy with my most important tasks for the day-[explain your most important tasks].

Prompt 6 — Draft professional emails

Write a professional email to [recipient’s name] regarding [subject matter], ensuring to cover all key points such as [key point 1], [key point 2], and [key point 3].

Prompt 7 — Goal Setting and Habit Formation

Set SMART goals and establish habits that support [SKILL] mastery. Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives, and integrate consistent practice routines into your daily life.

Prompt 8 — Creating a Solid Project Plan

Create a project plan for [TOPIC]. Include tasks, deliverables, and milestones. Also, include how long it would likely take to reach each milestone.

Prompt 9 — Generate a list of SEO keywords

Give me 30 semantically relevant but unique keywords under the main category of [TOPIC]. Give me the result in a table with 5 columns. From the list of 30 seed keywords you provided, identify the top 8 keywords in ascending order of high search volumes and low KD(Keyword difficulty) in a tabular format, which you think are most important for incorporating in [TOPIC] and explain why.

Prompt 10 — SEO-optimized content creation

Write an SEO-focused article on [TOPIC] with [Word Count], targeting [specific SEO keywords]. The article should provide valuable content on [TOPIC] while optimizing for search engine visibility and ranking on top of Google. Please strictly avoid plagiarism. First, start with the high-level outline.


I hope these ChatGPT-4o hacks help you become more productive and efficient and save you a tonne of time.

Awesome, you have reached the end and have already become smarter, more effective, and productive just by learning about these Prompts. The next step is to use them. Good luck!

Thanks for reading till here; if you liked my content and want to support me, the best way is —

  1. Follow Me 🔔, On Medium 💛.
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Your support motivates me to keep researching, designing cheatsheets, and writing about such topics.

Here are another Cheatsheets and hacks I have recently prepared on using the new ChatGPT-4o to maximize and automate your day-to-day productivity and tasks:

The cheat sheet, use this, and keep it as a reference:

To get the below downloadable Prompts PDF for FREE

Follow me → Clap for this post → Comment “Send Prompts” on this post.📌

And I will send you the download link right away.

Designed by Anish Singh Walia in Canva | Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the download link

Please take something of value from this post.

Let’s harness the power of AI and technology to create a better future.



Anish Singh Walia
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

AI Educator | ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Expert | Medium Top Writers(India) | 2M+ monthly views | Let's connect on LinkedIn-https://shorturl.at/jXHhx