10 ChatGPT Hacks For Building Trust And Winning Clients

In sales, success is about connections and conversions. With ChatGPT and AI tools, you can connect more deeply with clients, increase your conversion rates, and close deals with unmatched efficiency.

Designed by Anish Singh Walia in Canva | Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the download link

ChatGPT is universally used, but most are confined to beginner mode. With the new GPT-4o update and free usage, it has significantly enhanced its effectiveness and capabilities.

Are you looking to boost sales and increase conversion rates without overwhelming your clients? The key is to ask the right questions.

This comprehensive guide equips you with 10 practical ChatGPT hacks. Use these, and you’ll be well on your way to enhancing sales, understanding your customers well, and boosting conversion rates during sales calls & fast-tracking the whole process.

Before we start, remember these pro tips…

  • It’s better to use ChatGPT alongside other productivity tools to maximize efficiency.
  • Use a handful of budget-friendly productivity and AI tools in conjunction with ChatGPT, such as Notion-AI(AI-Everything app), Miro(Free Visual Content Creation from text/chat tool), Quillbot(Grammarly’s more affordable and better version), and SaneBox(Free Email Management tool), which I personally use.
  • These tools are not only cost-effective but will also significantly boost your productivity, enabling you to excel in your day-to-day tasks.
  • Not happy with the output? Tweak these prompts slightly and try again, or ask it to improve its answer.
  • Good prompting skills will always benefit you, whether working with ChatGPT or any other LLM/Generative AI tool.

NOTE: To add more value and as a USP of my blog, at the end of this blog post, I have designed and attached a cheat sheet/carousel of the ChatGPT Prompts discussed here for you to use and save, share on LinkedIn with your friends and colleagues.

Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the download link(PDF) to the carousel right away & use/save it locally.

Also, I’ll share this month’s bonus tip of the best productivity tools that are cheap, effective, and a game changer for everyone. I use, and insist you all try them. So do check them out and use them.

Here is the Bonus tip for you all:


Bonus Tip 1Miro is an AI-native app designed to streamline the process of brainstorming, studying, organizing, note-taking and presenting ideas.

Create stunning visual content(mind-maps, flowcharts, presentations etc) simply by chatting.

Miro helps convert your notes and structured essays into beautiful mind maps. It can create an easy-to-understand visual presentation from any idea or prompt.

Just enter a prompt, and you get a beautiful chart of your choice amongst the 2500+ free concept map templates. It makes me and my team understand everything faster,more efficient, and save a tonne of time.

I use it to create stunning mind maps, visual brainstorming, creating flowcharts and other presentations from my unorganized notes and ideas especially for my work, and studies.

This app has completely revolutionized the way I take notes and record my ideas, as someone who enjoys taking notes and jotting down every idea, this app is truly a game-changer.

It is another value-for-money tool that is dirt cheap compared to the amazing features it provides. Trust me, you will absolutely fall in love with this app’s simplicity, user experience, and ease of use.

Pricing: Freemium

I strongly recommend it to everyone. Definitely a must-have visual productivity tool in your list.

MIRO is truly your perfect day-to-day visual study/brainstorming/ideation buddy.


MIROBest Visual Productivity Tool for this Month


Bonus Tip 2: One great AI Everything Productivity/Task management tool I recently started using is Notion. Over the past few months, Notion has become famous and my absolute favorite.

Notion AI recently took on Google Docs and Microsft Office as per Forbes. Notion has continued to double down on Knowledge Management and AI, becoming an industry leader.

If you are like me, Juggling work, daily tasks, notes, and projects is tough. Multiple tabs for email, Slack, and Google Docs make it overwhelming.

I personally use Notion AI, which streamlines everything in one place. It’s a game-changer, and you won’t regret using it.

I’ve been using its PRO version for a while now, and I must say, its been a complete game-changer for me. With almost every online co-working tool inegration you can think of, it makes my daily work routine a breeze.

Plus, the pricing is unbeatable/cheapest for the tonnes of features it provides compared to all other all-in-one AI productivity tools I have used.

I have taken up the annual subscription for a mere $8/month(40% off).

It is another awesome tool that is really dirt cheap, feature-rich, and value-for-money.


Best all-in-one AI Everything Productivity tool for this month

I really insist you go try the above tools out. Trust me, you won’t regret using these tools and will thank me later.

Copy Paste these Prompts & jump right into it —


  1. Act as an expert Sales Consultant
  2. Lead Generation strategy
  3. Sales Email template generation
  4. Act as a Business analyst
  5. Sales Pitch development
  6. Effective Client persuasion technique after some objection
  7. Effective CRM data analysis
  8. Quarterly Sales Review
  9. Perform Competetive analysis
  10. Customer Feedback analysis

Prompt 1 — Act as an expert sales consultant

Act as an expert sales consultant. Create a list of the top 5 questions to identify the potential customer’s current business situation and effectively probe them to analyze their problems. Our potential customers are [CUSTOMER DETAILS/INDUSTRY], and they are currently facing [PROBLEMS/CHALLENGES].

Prompt 2 — Lead generation strategy

You are a sales expert and consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I’m currently using [describe your current lead generation strategies] for generating leads in the [specific industry] sector. Could you analyze these strategies and suggest how I might improve them to increase lead quality and quantity? Please consider the latest trends in digital marketing and sales automation tools. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples]-

Prompt 3 — Sales email template generation

You are a sales expert and experienced consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I need to create a series of email templates for our sales funnel stages: initial contact, follow-up, and post-purchase. Could you design personalized and effective email templates for each stage, tailored for our audience in the [specific industry]? Include compelling subject lines and calls to action. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Prompt 4 — Act as a business analyst

Act as an expert business analyst. Create an interview guide to gather information about the customer’s existing processes and situation by asking the right set of questions. Our potential customer is [CUSTOMER DETAILS], with a focus on [INDUSTRY], and they are currently using [CURRENT PROCESS].

Prompt 5 — Sales pitch development

You are a sales expert and experienced consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I am preparing a sales pitch for [describe product/ service] targeted at [describe target audience]. Can you help me craft an engaging and persuasive pitch that highlights the unique selling points and addresses potential customer objections? Please include a strong opening statement and a compelling closing argument. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Prompt 6 — Effective client persuasion technique after some objection

You are a sales expert and experienced consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context] converting the [CUSTOMER/CLIENT DETAILS] due to the following sales objection/setback of [ price, lack of interest, or satisfaction with a current provider ] in the [specific industry]? Please provide detailed responses tailored to the objection/setback to help convert this customer and improve our conversion rate. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Prompt 7 — Effective CRM data analysis

You are a sales expert and experienced consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I have sales data from our CRM system [UPLOAD CSV/IMAGE etc], including customer interactions, sales conversion rates, and follow-up timelines for the past [specify time period]. Please analyze this data to identify patterns or areas for improvement in our sales process. Please provide a detailed report with actionable insights and graphs to get better insights.

Prompt 8 — Quarterly Sales Review

You are a sales expert and experienced consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. I’m preparing for a quarterly sales review. Here’s our sales data [UPLOAD DATA/GOOGLE SHEET LINK, etc] for the past quarter [provide brief data summary]. Can you help convert this information into a compelling PPT presentation with graphs and key takeaways that highlight the key achievements, challenges, and a strategic plan for the next quarter? I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Prompt 9 — Perform competitive analysis

You are a sales expert and experienced consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. Please perform a competitive analysis between our product, [your product details], and our key competitors [list competitor products]. Focus on pricing, features, market positioning, and customer feedback. Provide a summary of strengths and weaknesses, and suggest strategies to leverage our strengths and counteract our weaknesses. I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].

Prompt 10 — Customer feedback analysis

You are a sales expert and experienced consultant. I am [mention the problem you’re facing in detail with context]. We have collected customer feedback about [ our specific product/ service] through various channels like online surveys, emails, and social media comments. Here is the file [UPLOAD CSV, GOOGLE SHEET or IMAGE] Can you analyze this feedback and provide graphs and a report to identify common themes and insights that could help in product development and customer satisfaction(CSAT) improvement? I want you to [mention how you want the output in detail with examples].


Congrats! You’ve now streamlined and automated most of your sales workflow using chatgpt.

Awesome, you have reached the end and have already become smarter, more effective, and productive just by learning about these Prompts. The next step is to use them. Good luck!

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Your support motivates me to keep researching, designing cheatsheets, and writing about such topics.

Here are another Cheatsheets and hacks I have recently prepared on using the new ChatGPT-4o to maximize and automate your day-to-day productivity and tasks:

The cheat sheet, use this, and keep it as a reference:

To get the below downloadable Prompts PDF for FREE

Follow me → Clap for this post → Comment “Send Prompts” on this post.📌

And I will send you the download link right away.

Designed by Anish Singh Walia in Canva | Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the download link

Please take something of value from this post.

Let’s harness the power of AI and technology to create a better future.



Anish Singh Walia
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

AI Educator | ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Expert | Medium Top Writers(India) | 2M+ monthly views | Let's connect on LinkedIn-https://shorturl.at/jXHhx