10 SEO Powerful Tips to Rank Your Medium Story on Google

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
8 min readApr 3, 2024

Medium has become a popular platform for writers and content creators to share their ideas and stories with a vast audience.

If you’re publishing stories on Medium and want to get them in front of more eyeballs, then listen up.

Today, I’m going to share 10 killer SEO tips to help your Medium stories rank higher on Google and get that sweet, sweet organic traffic flowing in.

But first, let’s talk about why this is so important. Did you know that a whopping 92.5% of global traffic comes from Google’s search engine?

That’s right, Google is the gatekeeper to a massive audience, and if your content isn’t optimized for it, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

Now, I know what you’re thinking- “But wait, isn’t Medium all about the internal distribution and curated topics?”

While that’s true, ranking your stories on Google can still be a game-changer.

According to Medium’s data, external traffic from Google accounts for 18% of total traffic on the platform. That’s a significant chunk of potential readers that you don’t want to miss out on.

So, let’s dive into the good stuff — the 10 SEO tips that will help you conquer Google and get your Medium stories in front of the right audience.

Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of any solid SEO strategy, and it’s no different when it comes to Medium. Before you start writing, you need to know what keywords your target audience is searching for.

Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to find relevant keywords with a decent search volume and low competition.

Aim for keywords that have a sweet spot of around 500 to 10,000 monthly searches, and a keyword difficulty score below 40 (the lower, the better).

When selecting keywords, consider-

  • Search volume: Choose keywords with a decent amount of monthly searches to ensure potential traffic.
  • Relevance: Make sure the keywords align with the topic of your story and the interests of your target audience.
  • Competition: Target keywords with lower competition to increase your chances of ranking higher on Google.

For example, let’s say you’re writing a story about “productivity tips for remote workers.” A good keyword to target could be “remote work productivity tips” with around 3,600 monthly searches and a keyword difficulty score of 32.

Optimize Your Medium Story Title

Your story’s title is like the virtual billboard that grabs people’s attention as they’re scrolling through search results. That’s why it’s crucial to optimize it for both humans and search engines.

When crafting your title, consider-

  • Including your primary keyword: This helps search engines understand the topic of your story and increases its relevance for that keyword.
  • Creating a compelling and click-worthy title: Use power words, numbers, or intriguing questions to entice readers to click on your story.
  • Keeping it concise and descriptive: Aim for a title that is around 60 characters or less, as longer titles may get truncated in search results.

For example, instead of “Remote Work Productivity Tips,” you could go with something like “7 Game-Changing Productivity Tips for Remote Workers in 2023.”

Oh, and keep your title concise — around 60 characters or less, so it doesn’t get truncated in search results. Grab reader’s attention and encourage them to read your story.

Write Compelling Introductions

Your story’s introduction is like the warm hug that welcomes readers in and convinces them to stick around. It’s also an opportunity to signal to Google what your content is all about.

When crafting your introduction, consider-

  • Including your primary keyword: Mention your main keyword early in the introduction to signal its relevance to search engines.
  • Summarizing the main points: Provide a brief overview of what readers can expect from your story, setting the stage for the content that follows.
  • Asking a compelling question or stating a thought-provoking fact: This can pique readers’ interest and encourage them to keep reading.

A strong introduction can improve your story’s chances of ranking well on Google and keep readers engaged, reducing bounce rates and increasing time on page.

For example, you could start your productivity tips story with something like-

“Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in distractions and struggling to stay focused while working remotely? You’re not alone.

In fact, a recent study by Buffer found that 27% of remote workers cited distractions and lack of motivation as their biggest challenges.

But fear not, because in this story, I’ll share 7 game-changing productivity tips that will help you regain control and crush your to-do list like a boss.”

Use Relevant Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings are like road signs that guide readers through your content and help search engines understand the structure and main topics covered.

Sprinkle in your target keywords where they make sense, but don’t go overboard.

And be sure to use the proper HTML tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to indicate the hierarchy and importance of each heading.

For example, in your productivity tips story, you could have an H2 heading like “The Ultimate Remote Work Productivity Toolkit” and then H3 subheadings for each tip, like “Tip #1: Create a Dedicated Workspace.”

Optimize Your Images

Images aren’t just there to make your stories look pretty (although they certainly help with that).

When optimized correctly, they can also contribute to your SEO efforts and help your content show up in image search results.

When optimizing your images, consider-

  • Using descriptive file names: Instead of using generic file names like “image1.jpg,” give your images descriptive names that include relevant keywords.
  • Writing informative alt text: Alt text helps search engines understand the context and content of your images, improving accessibility and SEO.
  • Compressing image files: Large image files can slow down your story’s loading time, negatively impacting user experience and potentially hurting your rankings.

And don’t forget to compress those image files! Large, uncompressed images can slow down your story’s loading time, which can hurt your rankings and user experience.

Internal and External Linking

Links are like the intricate web that connects the internet together, and they’re essential for both SEO and providing a great user experience.

Strategically link to other relevant stories or pages within your Medium publication or personal blog.

This helps search engines understand the relationships between your content and keeps readers engaged and exploring your work.

Also, don’t be afraid to link out to authoritative, trustworthy external sources that support or provide additional context to your story. Just make sure to use descriptive, keyword-rich anchor text.

For example, in your productivity tips story, you could link to a study or statistics about remote work trends, or link to a product or tool you recommend for staying focused.

Encourage Social Sharing

While social signals like shares, likes, and comments aren’t direct ranking factors, they can indirectly influence your Medium story’s visibility on Google.

Increased social engagement can drive more traffic to your content, which can potentially improve its perceived authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines.

Make it easy for readers to share your stories by including prominent and well-designed social share buttons.

Write compelling, valuable content that provides a reason for people to share it with their networks.

And don’t forget to engage with your audience by responding to comments and fostering a sense of community around your work.

Monitor and Improve Your Story’s Performance

SEO is an ongoing process, and monitoring your Medium story’s performance is crucial for identifying areas for improvement and adjusting your strategy accordingly.

Use tools like Google Analytics or Medium’s built-in analytics to track your traffic sources, engagement metrics (like average read time and bounce rate), and user feedback/comments.

For example, let’s say you notice that your productivity tips story is getting a lot of traffic from Google, but the average read time is relatively low.

This could indicate that the content isn’t fully meeting the reader’s expectations, and you might need to revisit and improve certain sections or add more valuable information.

Promote Your Medium Stories

While SEO is focused on organic visibility, actively promoting your Medium stories can also drive additional traffic and potentially improve your search engine rankings.

While SEO is crucial for organic visibility, actively promoting your Medium stories can also drive additional traffic and potentially improve your search engine rankings.

When promoting your stories, consider-

  • Sharing on social media: Share your stories on relevant social media platforms, engaging with your followers and encouraging them to read and share your content.
  • Participating in online communities: Join relevant online communities, forums, or groups related to your niche, and share your stories with engaged audiences interested in your topics.
  • Guest blogging or cross-promoting: Collaborate with other writers, bloggers, or publications in your niche by guest blogging or cross-promoting each other’s content.
  • Email marketing: If you have an email list, share your Medium stories with your subscribers, keeping them up-to-date with your latest content and driving traffic to your stories.

By actively promoting your Medium stories, you can increase their exposure, attract new readers, and potentially improve their perceived authority and relevance in the eyes of search engines.

Stay Up-to-Date with SEO Best Practices

Search engine algorithms and ranking factors are constantly evolving, so it’s essential to stay informed about the latest SEO best practices and trends.

Subscribe to industry-leading SEO blogs, forums, and newsletters to stay on top of the latest news, updates, and strategies.

Attend online or in-person events focused on SEO and content marketing to learn from experts and network with professionals in your field.

And don’t be afraid to experiment and test new techniques or strategies. Monitor their impact on your Medium story’s performance, and adapt your approach accordingly.

This hands-on approach will help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure your content remains optimized, even as the SEO landscape shifts.

There you have it, folks — 10 powerful SEO tips to help your Medium stories rank higher on Google and get that sweet, sweet organic traffic flowing in.

Ranking your Medium stories on Google can significantly increase their visibility, drive more organic traffic, and help you reach a wider audience.

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort, experimentation, and adaptation.

Stay committed to creating high-quality, valuable content, and continuously monitor and adjust your strategies

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there, start optimizing, and watch your Medium stories soar to new heights on the search engine results pages!


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I’m Nitin (Founder of Webjinnee), and I’ll catch you on the next one! ✌️

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