20 Advance ChatGPT prompts for Content Creation Strategies

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
5 min readAug 17, 2024

Feeling stuck for ideas? I found something that might just change the game for you. It’s called ChatGPT and I swear it’s like having a brainstorming buddy 24/7.

So let’s talk about content creation for a sec. We all know how hard it is to come up with good stuff consistently, right? Some days the ideas flow and other days… not so much. That’s where ChatGPT comes in.

I’ve been testing this AI tool and came up with 20 awesome prompts to get your creative juices flowing.

These aren’t your average prompts- they’re designed to take your content to the next level whether you’re writing blog posts, creating videos or managing social media.

Now I’m not saying ChatGPT will do all the work for you. But it’s a great tool to have in your back pocket when you need a little idea boost. Think of it as a springboard for your own ideas.

  • Content Gap Analysis: “Conduct a content gap analysis for [industry/niche]. Identify key topics or themes that are underrepresented in current content and suggest strategies for filling these gaps with unique, valuable content.”
  • Content Pillar Strategy: “Develop a content pillar strategy for [brand/company]. Outline the main pillars of content that align with your brand’s goals, and suggest subtopics and content formats that can be derived from each pillar.”
  • Multi-Channel Content Strategy: “Create a multi-channel content strategy that integrates blog posts, social media updates, videos, and podcasts. Include ideas for cross-promotion and content repurposing to maximize reach and engagement.”
  • Long-Form Content Planning: “Plan a series of long-form content pieces (e.g., whitepapers, eBooks) on [specific topic]. Include a detailed outline, research requirements, and strategies for promoting and distributing the content.”
  • Audience-Centric Content Strategy: “Design a content strategy that specifically targets different segments of your audience. Suggest personalized content ideas for each segment, considering their unique needs, preferences, and pain points.”
  • Content Refresh Strategy: “Develop a strategy for refreshing and updating existing content on your website or blog. Identify outdated or underperforming content and suggest ways to improve relevance, SEO, and user engagement.”
  • Content Experimentation Plan: “Create a content experimentation plan to test different formats, topics, and styles. Include hypotheses, key performance indicators (KPIs), and a timeline for evaluating the results.”
  • Interactive Content Strategy: “Design a strategy for creating and promoting interactive content (e.g., quizzes, calculators, surveys) that engages users and encourages sharing. Include ideas for integrating interactive elements into your content mix.”
  • Content Syndication Plan: “Develop a content syndication plan to distribute your content across multiple platforms and third-party websites. Include guidelines for selecting syndication partners, repurposing content, and tracking performance.”
  • Content Collaboration Strategy: “Outline a strategy for collaborating with other content creators, influencers, or industry experts. Suggest ideas for co-created content, joint webinars, guest posts, and cross-promotions that align with your brand’s goals.”
  • Content Calendar Development: “Design a 12-month content calendar for [industry/brand]. Include key content themes, important dates, and suggested content formats to ensure a consistent and strategic approach to content creation.”
  • Content Personalization Strategy: “Create a content personalization strategy that tailors content to individual user preferences and behaviors. Suggest ways to implement dynamic content on websites, emails, and social media.”
  • User-Generated Content Strategy: “Develop a strategy for encouraging and leveraging user-generated content (UGC). Include ideas for campaigns, contests, and incentives that motivate users to create and share content related to your brand.”
  • SEO-Driven Content Strategy: “Plan an SEO-driven content strategy that focuses on ranking for high-value keywords in [specific niche]. Include a mix of evergreen content, trending topics, and long-tail keyword opportunities.”
  • Content Repurposing Framework: “Create a framework for repurposing high-performing content across various formats and platforms. Include specific examples of how to transform blog posts into videos, podcasts, infographics, and social media posts.”
  • Content Performance Audit: “Conduct a content performance audit to identify top-performing and underperforming content. Provide recommendations for improving content that isn’t meeting goals and strategies for capitalizing on successful content.”
  • Thought Leadership Content Strategy: “Develop a thought leadership content strategy for [industry/brand]. Include ideas for in-depth articles, opinion pieces, and speaking opportunities that position the brand as an industry leader.”
  • Content for Lead Generation: “Plan a series of content pieces specifically designed for lead generation. Include downloadable resources, gated content, and lead magnets that align with your audience’s needs and interests.”
  • Content Collaboration with Influencers: “Outline a strategy for collaborating with influencers to create content that resonates with their audience and aligns with your brand. Include ideas for co-branded content, takeovers, and joint campaigns.”
  • Crisis Response Content Strategy: “Design a content strategy for responding to industry crises or public relations challenges. Include guidelines for messaging, content formats, and distribution channels to manage and mitigate the impact.”

10 Best AI Tools for Content Writing in 2024


  • Versatile AI chatbot for brainstorming, drafting, and editing
  • Great for generating ideas and overcoming writer’s block


  • Specialized AI writing assistant for marketing content
  • Offers templates for various content types like blog posts, ads, and emails


  • AI-powered grammar and style checker
  • Helps improve writing quality and consistency


  • Focused on e-commerce and marketing copy
  • Good for product descriptions and ad copy


  • All-in-one content creation platform
  • Offers tools for blog posts, articles, and social media content


  • Budget-friendly AI writing tool
  • Good for short-form content and social media posts


  • AI-powered writing companion for rephrasing and refining text
  • Helps improve clarity and engagement in your writing


  • Combines AI writing with SEO optimization
  • Helps create content that ranks well in search engines


  • Specializes in AI-driven marketing language
  • Uses data to create emotionally targeted content


  • AI paraphrasing tool
  • Useful for rewriting and simplifying complex text

You have 20 ways to use ChatGPT to level up your content. I’ve been using these prompts myself and honestly, they’ve been a total game changer.

They’ve helped me break out of my habits and come up with ideas I wouldn’t have thought of on my own.

Just remember while ChatGPT is super helpful it’s still important to put your spin on things.

Use these prompts as a starting point then let your creativity take over. Your own voice is what makes your content special after all.


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Cheers! 🥂

I’m Nitin (Founder of Webjinnee), and I’ll catch you on the next one! ✌️


#chatgptprompts #chatgptpromptsforcontent #contentcreationprompts #bestchatgptprompts #promptsforcontentideas

