25+ ChatGPT Prompts for Keyword Research that Save Hours

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
3 min readJan 31, 2024

Keyword Research

“Suggest 10–15 low competition long-tail keyword ideas related to accounting and invoice software for small businesses.”

“Recommend keyword research tools suitable for identifying buyer intent keywords in the B2B SaaS industry.”

“Give 5 examples of commercial informational keywords a software company could target to attract product research prospects.”

Competitor Analysis Prompts

“What are 5 primary keywords our top 3 competitors seem to be optimizing for based on their content strategies?”

“List out 10 related secondary keywords for our core service that competitor sites also actively target.”

Content Ideation Prompts

“Propose 5 blog post title ideas around problems financial reporting bottlenecks that our accounting software could solve for rapidly growing startups.”

“Suggest 3 pillar content topic ideas with related clusters targeting decision makers researching reconciliation automation tools for ecommerce businesses.”

Auditing Existing Site Keywords

“Please list out all the keywords our website currently ranks for and the associated search volume per month for each.”

“Suggest ways to group existing ranked keywords into primary categories or clusters to identify optimization gaps.”

“Are there any keyword cannibalization issues occurring where two of our pages are competing for the same terms?”

“Identify any low competition long tail variations of our core keywords that our site does not currently target effectively.”

Analyzing Keyword Difficulty & Search Volume

“Please analyze the keyword difficulty and estimated monthly search volume for the following list of 10 keywords related to our accounting software:”

“Which 3 keywords from this list of 8 should we target first based on highest search volume and lowest difficulty to rank for?”

“Suggest guidelines regarding minimum monthly search volume worth targeting for middle of the funnel blog content around pain point topics.”

Group Brainstorming Prompts

“Let’s ideate different keyword grouping approaches for an SEO content strategy around inventory optimization software.”

“Can you suggest additional types of informational keywords related to supply chain automation that our content could potentially answer beyond just product evaluations?”

Google Search Query Prompts

“What are the top few keywords users are typing into Google search to find solutions related to warehouse order processing bottlenecks?”

“Please list out 5–6 of the question-based long tail search queries Prospects commonly ask when evaluating field workforce management software options?”

“Write a 500-word beginner’s guide blog post about how to start keyword research for the first time tailored for marketing newbies.”

“Write a 300-word blog post comparing long tail vs short tail keywords providing 3 pros and cons of each tailored for inbound marketing managers.”

“Write a 600-word post about 5 creative link bait content ideas to drive organic traffic tailored for freelance bloggers.”

“Write a 400-word article on advanced competitor keyword analysis for experienced digital marketers working in the SaaS space.”

“Write a 500-word guide to tracking keyword rankings month-over-month with free tools tailored for bootstrapped startup founders.”

“Write a 300-word blog post on keyword cannibalization providing 5 examples and solutions tailored for SEO analysts.”

“Write a 600-word guide to IDing the most valuable keywords for lead gen at each funnel stage tailored for B2B growth marketers.”

“Write a 500-word post on how website search can reveal content gaps tailored for ecommerce UX managers and content strategists.”

“Write a 400-word guide to image keyword optimization providing 5 actionable tips tailored for visual content creators.”

“Write a 600-word guide on surveying customers for keyword discovery tailored for customer insights analysts.”

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Thank You!

Nitin Mathur


