50 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Posts (Must Use)

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
6 min readMay 7, 2024

This nifty AI writer is seriously a content creator’s dream. Whether you need a hilarious joke for your next tweet, an eye-catching caption for that fire Instagram post, or even a whole storyboard for your brand’s next video ad, ChatGPT can hook you up in seconds.

It’s like having an entire creative team living inside your computer!

I know creating fresh, engaging content day after day is no easy feat. Coming up with catchy captions, funny memes, and posts that actually get people interested can feel like pulling teeth sometimes.

But what if we told you there’s a cool new AI tool that can help take your social game to the next level? Say hello to ChatGPT!

  1. Give me 10 ideas for engaging social media contests I could run to promote my [ecommerce store/SaaS product] to new audiences.
    2. Craft 5 cold email outreach templates personalized for reaching out to [bloggers, podcasters, influencers] in my industry to build partnerships.
    3. What are the optimal image dimensions for designing social media posts, ads, etc across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn? Please specify in pixels.
    4. Help me rewrite this lengthy Facebook ad copy into a condensed version under 125 characters without losing key messaging: [insert ad copy].
    5. Suggest 3 creative ways I could use Instagram Reels to showcase my products and grow my brand’s account following.
    6. Generate 10 high-performing Google text ad headlines and description line 1’s for my paid search campaign around [keyword/offer].
    7. Provide 5 ideas for short, interesting polls or questions to engage my email newsletter subscribers and spark community discussion.
    8. Help me optimize this meta title for SEO relevancy and click-through rate: [insert current meta title]. Target keyword is [keyword].
    9. What should be the ideal video length for YouTube tutorials around [topic] to maximize view duration for the channel? Please provide data or examples to support the recommendation.
    10. Give me 5 entertaining subject line ideas to use for a promotional email campaign that will stand out in subscribers’ inboxes.
    11. Provide 8 high-level tips for improving my client onboarding process, from lead nurturing to account setup and training.
    12. Help me research 10 relevant hashtags to use when posting user-generated content featuring our product on Instagram.
    13. Identify 5 websites, blogs or publications related to [customer persona] where I could potentially guest post as a contributor to build links and awareness.
    14. Analyze this 500-word blog post draft and recommend 5 ways to improve SEO optimization for the target keyword [main keyword].
    15. Suggest 3 creative TikTok marketing ideas/campaigns my [coffee shop, book store, apparel brand] could produce to drive brand awareness and sales.
    16. Help compile a list of 20 relevant industry experts and thought leaders on Twitter I should follow to amplify my social media reach and engagement.
    17. Identify 5 opportunities to insert backlinks to my website in this blog article without appearing promotional: [insert blog post draft].
    18. Rewrite this intimidating paragraph from my SaaS pricing page using simpler language: [insert complex pricing paragraph].
    19. Which analytics reports and metrics would be most important for me to review daily, weekly or monthly to measure success of my YouTube channel and inform future video ideas?
    20. Help me research 8–10 niche hashtags relevant to [my brand] but not overly saturated to allow my branded posts to stand out on Instagram.
    21. Identify 3 ways to optimize this ecommerce product page for conversion rate improvements: [insert product URL]. Consider layout, content, visuals, calls-to-action.
    22. What should be the ideal send frequency and cadence for [blog post updates, special offers, announcements] from my email newsletter to maximize open and click rates?
    23. Suggest 5 quick, actionable website improvements focused on speed optimizations to improve my site’s mobile page speed score.
    24. Help me brainstorm a talent acquisition funnel identifying the best channels and tactics to recruit [SEO experts, product designers, Python engineers] for my agency.
    25. Analyze this landing page [insert URL to draft page] and provide 5 tactical conversion rate optimization suggestions based on best practices.
    26. Provide proven advice, resources and next steps for successfully launching and growing an online community around my [brand, niche, area of expertise] from scratch.
    27. Help me craft an outreach email template to recruit relevant industry guests for my business podcast. Identify key details to customize per outreach.
    28. Suggest a content upgrading strategy with 8 ideas for gated premium content offers I could provide blog subscribers in exchange for their email address.
    29. Provide 5 ideas for unconventional partnerships [coffee shop brand] could pursue with non-competing local businesses to cross-promote to new audiences.
    30. Help me optimize this blog postdraft for readability by reducing sentence and paragraph length without losing key details: [insert draft].
    31. Identify 5 opportunities in this website information architecture where additional landing pages could help drive more relevant organic traffic: [insert sitemap or site URL].
    32. Analyze this Instagram grid and recommend 5 ways to improve visual branding and engagement based on best practices for social media aesthetics.
    33. Help me create a daily social media content calendar for LinkedIn targeting [IT professionals]. Outline 20 post ideas optimize for engagement. Include optimal posting times.
    34. What should be the ideal video length and format mix for TikTok to engage my target demographic based on platform best practices? Provide data-driven recommendations.
    35. Help me rewrite this bland email newsletter subject line to be more compelling: [insert old subject]:
    36. Analyze this Google Analytics report [insert screenshots or export data] and summarize the key optimizations needed to improve website conversion rate based on findings.
    37. Provide 8 ecommerce upselling strategies across messaging, offer bundled products to increase average order value. Identify opportunities for [niche store products].
    38. Help me optimize this blog post meta description for clicks and search visibility: [insert current meta description]. Target keyword is [main keyword].
    39. Suggest 5 easy website personalization opportunities to help guide B2B visitors to relevant information faster based on their role, needs etc.
    40. Analyze this email newsletter and recommend 5 improvements to layout, content, length, timing etc: [insert screenshots or html email].
    41. Identify 5 competitor link building tactics observation in SEMrush we could replicate to earn valuable backlinks from similar publication and influencers.
    42. Help me optimize this landing page headline + body content to improve conversion rate: [insert draft copy]. Goal is to get email signups.
    43. Analyze this Google Analytics screenshot and summarize the key changes needed in my paid social strategy to reduce cost per conversion: [insert screenshot].
    44. Provide 8 troubleshooting tips to diagnose and resolve why email confirmation messages from my app aren’t being received reliably based on common deliverability issues.
    45. Recommend 5 quick daily habit metrics our social media manager should analyze to assess performance of latest branded content on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
    46. Help me phrase this complex app capability in simple, easy to understand language for a mainstream consumer audience: [insert complex feature description].
    47. Provide 5 ideas for short TikTok style videos (under 60 seconds) that would grab attention and convey key capabilities of my software app to prospective users.
    48. Suggest 5 engaging polls or crowdsourcing content ideas my edtech business could post on LinkedIn or Twitter to spark discussion within our industry peer group.
    49. Analyze my email lifecycle strategy and recommend optimization opportunities across the nurture tracks, segmentation, win-back campaigns etc: [insert current lifecycle summary].
    50. Help me create an Instagram content calendar for the next month including 15 photo ideas plus 15 video ideas along with optimal captions and hashtags. My account niche is [detail niche].

So are you ready to up your social media slay game? We’ve put together 50 killer prompts that’ll help you squeeze every last drop of creative juiciness out of the amazing ChatGPT.

From engagement-boosting questions to mic-drop comebacks, this AI baddie can craft it all for you on demand.

Cut through the noise, leave your writer’s block behind, and start getting more likes, comments, and shares than you can shake a selfie stick at!


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Cheers! 🥂

I’m Nitin (Founder of Webjinnee), and I’ll catch you on the next one! ✌️

