50 Tasks that ChatGPT Can Do in Seconds with These Simple Prompts (Part-2)

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
4 min readApr 9, 2024

You’ve probably heard of ChatGPT by now — that incredibly smart AI can understand and communicate just like a human.

But did you know just how versatile this language model is? With the right prompts, ChatGPT can help you with all kinds of tasks lightning-fast.

So, the wait is over, and this is Part of multitasking ChatGPT. AI can do these tasks in seconds with simple prompts.

We’re talking about everything from writing and editing to coding and marketing. The key is giving ChatGPT clear, simple instructions upfront.

Once you unlock that, a whole world of possibilities opens up for getting stuff done quicker.

I’ve put together 50 examples of tasks ChatGPT can do in seconds if you simply feed it the right prompts. Get ready to be blown away by how much this AI assistant can achieve!

So grab a coffee and get comfortable as we explore how this all-star AI makes tough tasks seem elementary. The future is here, and its name is ChatGPT!

50 Tasks that ChatGPT Can Do in Seconds with these simple Prompts:-

  1. Play a simple game (e.g. Tic Tac Toe)
    2. Implement an encryption/decryption algorithm
    3. Compress/decompress a file
    4. Extract information from a PDF document
    5. Convert a video file to another format
    6. Enhance the quality of an image
    7. Generate a mosaic image
    8. Stitch multiple images to form a panorama
    9. Implement basic computer vision algorithms (e.g. object detection)
    10. Implement image segmentation
    11. Recognize faces in an image
    12. Track objects in a video stream
    13. Fit a curve to a set of data points
    14. Implement augmented reality
    15. Create a virtual tour
    16. Implement a physics simulation
    17. Render a 3D scene
    18. Implement basic computer graphics algorithms
    19. Generate a fractal image
    20. Simulate fluid dynamics
    21. Implement a basic robot control system
    22. Implement basic robotics algorithms (e.g. path planning)
    23. Implement a autonomous car simulation
    24. Implement basic control systems (e.g. PID control)
    25. Implement a feedback control system
    26. Implement a model predictive control system
    27. Implement a state-space model
    28. Implement a Kalman filter
    29. Implement a Particle filter
    30. Implement a Monte Carlo simulation
    31. Implement a Genetic Algorithm
    32. Implement a swarm optimization algorithm
    33. Implement a reinforcement learning algorithm
    34. Implement a deep reinforcement learning algorithm
    35. Implement a recommendation system
    36. Implement a recommendation algorithm
    37. Implement a recommendation engine
    38. Implement a recommendation system based on collaborative filtering
    39. Implement a recommendation system based on content-based filtering
    40. Implement a recommendation system based on hybrid filtering
    41. Implement a recommendation system based on deep learning
    42. Implement a recommendation system based on matrix factorization
    43. Implement a recommendation system based on deep matrix factorization
    44. Implement a recommendation system based on neural networks
    45. Implement a recommendation system based on deep neural networks
    46. Implement a recommendation system based on graph neural networks
    47. Implement a recommendation system based on attention mechanisms
    48. Implement a recommendation system based on transfer learning
    49. Implement a recommendation system based on reinforcement learning
    50. Implement a recommendation system based on unsupervised learning

While it still can’t fully replicate human intelligence, ChatGPT astonishes with its ability to converse, analyze data, generate content and make predictions.

Just imagine how this AI whiz will evolve as researchers continue to advance its skills!

One thing’s for sure, with ChatGPT handling the heavy lifting, humans are freed up to be more creative and focus on meaningful work.

Writing/Editing Prompts

“Write a 500 word blog post about the benefits of meditation for busy professionals”

“Proofread and correct any grammar/spelling errors in this article draft”

“Summarize this research paper into a few bullet points”

Research/Analysis Prompts

“Provide an overview of the latest trends in the cryptocurrency market”

“Give a SWOT analysis for Apple’s new product line”

“Explain the theory of relativity in simple terms”

Creative Writing Prompts

“Write a short children’s story about a talking tree and its forest friends”

“Come up with a romantic poem about sunsets for an anniversary card”

“Create a funny script for a commercial selling sponges”

Coding Prompts

“Write a Python function to check if a number is prime”

“Explain what this Java code does and how it could be optimized”

“Give an example use case for implementing a blockchain in JavaScript”


“Draft a cold email pitch for our SEO services to potential clients”

“Create a social media content calendar for our clothing brand for next month”

“Outline a video marketing campaign for our new fitness app”

There you have it — 50 ways ChatGPT can make your life immeasurably easier with just a few well-crafted prompts. The possibilities are pretty much endless when you can communicate what you need to this incredibly capable AI.

From creative writing projects to coding scripts, marketing tasks to research reports, ChatGPT has your back if you know how to prompt it properly.

The key is keeping your instructions clear, simple and specific.

You should start playing around with prompts for your use cases. Once you find that sweet spot, you’ll be stunned by how much ChatGPT can accomplish in seconds.

Share your favourite time-saving Prompts in the comments!


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I’m Nitin (Founder of Webjinnee), and I’ll catch up with you at the next one! ✌️

