Prompt: Data in film

AI-driven data strategy in the film industry.

Why use AI in film at all? Does it really bring benefits (yes, and not just monetary ones) and is it not just a current buzzword (we should all be clear on that by now).

AI in the film industry can not only be used to improve special effects, but also solve some of the industry’s biggest challenges β€” from targeting audiences to optimizing production processes. However, to realize the full potential of AI in film, a robust, long-term data strategy is essential.
For this reason, the following article looks at the data strategy that production companies large and small should integrate to make their productions more effective, faster and cheaper in the long term.


In our data-centric world, the film industry is increasingly looking for ways to leverage data not only for their productions, but also for their marketing and distribution strategies. Despite the enthusiasm, many studios and production companies are struggling to develop a long-term data strategy that could support their AI initiatives and lead to cost reductions and improved performance of their productions.

Data in the film industry is not just a commodity; it’s a goldmine. The key is not just to collect and process this data, but to turn it into actionable insights that can lead to…



Marc Schaumburg-Ingwersen
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Film Industry Digital Pathfinder & Creative Strategy Architect | Elevating Media Enterprises in the Digital | IP with AI & Web3 | Formerly Sony, ITV, Banijay