AI in education: A New Approach to the 2 Sigma Problem through Small Group Learning

Cyril Sadovsky
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
2 min readDec 28, 2023

The “2 Sigma Problem” was a term coined by educational researcher Benjamin Bloom in 1984. It refers to his finding that the average student tutored one-on-one using mastery learning techniques performed two standard deviations better than students taught through conventional methods. This significant difference poses a challenge: how to achieve such effective learning outcomes in typical classroom settings, which are often limited by resources and scale.

A meta-analysis focusing on the effectiveness of small-group learning in engineering and technology education found positive outcomes. This study, published in the “Journal of Technology Education” in 2018, revealed that methods like cooperative learning and problem-based learning significantly improved academic achievement in small groups, with an overall positive effect size of 0.45. These findings support the notion that small group learning can be as effective as one-on-one tutoring in certain contexts.

Today, advancements in Generative AI, like GPT-4, Text-to-Speech , Dalle-3 and potentially video generation technologies may change learning forever. These tools offer scalable, personalized learning experiences that were previously untenable due to high costs and logistical challenges. By simulating one-on-one interactions or small group discussions, these technologies can provide tailored educational support, making high-quality learning experiences more accessible to a broader range of students.

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Fine-Tuning Generative Models for Individual Learning Styles

Educational research acknowledges a wide range of learning styles, reflecting the diversity of how individuals process and understand information. These styles can be broadly categorized into visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and reading/writing preferences. Each style aligns with different teaching methods and materials. For example, visual learners benefit from diagrams and visual aids, while kinesthetic learners do better in hands-on learning environments.

Generative AI, like GPT-4, can be tailored to accommodate these diverse learning styles. By analyzing how students interact with content, AI can adapt its teaching methods. For instance, for a visual learner, the AI might prioritize graphical explanations using ASCII art or Dalle-3, whereas for an auditory learner, it might focus on delivering content through TTS technology. Or both.

In the near future, AI’s capability to observe and adapt to individual student responses offers a level of customization in learning that was previously difficult to achieve. It can identify the most effective teaching methods for each student, adjusting its approach in real-time. This adaptability makes learning more inclusive and can help bridge gaps in understanding and engagement.

The integration of AI in education, especially in a way that respects and utilizes the diversity of learning styles, holds significant promise. It could lead to more effective and personalized education, aligning with Bloom’s goal of achieving the benefits of one-on-one tutoring in broader educational settings.

