How to Bypass Copyleaks AI Detection — An All-Inclusive Guide

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In today's fast-paced environment, many people turn to AI writing tools to produce content quickly.

However, advanced AI detectors like Copyleaks have become a significant challenge for AI users. They are looking for ways to publish or submit AI-generated content without getting flagged or penalized by this detector.

In this comprehensive guide, you will explore each of them in detail and learn how to bypass Copyleaks AI detection.

Before we start, remember these pro tips…

  • It’s better to use ChatGPT alongside other productivity tools to maximize efficiency.
  • Use a handful of budget-friendly productivity and AI tools in conjunction with ChatGPT, such as Notion-AI(AI-Everything app), Miro(Free Visual Content Creation from text/chat tool), Quillbot(Grammarly’s more affordable and better version), and SaneBox(Free Email Management tool), which I personally use.
  • These tools are not only cost-effective but will also significantly boost your productivity, enabling you to excel in your day-to-day tasks.
  • Not happy with the output? Tweak these prompts slightly and try again, or ask it to improve its answer.
  • Good prompting skills will always benefit you, whether working with ChatGPT or any other LLM/Generative AI tool.

NOTE: To add more value and as a USP of my blog, I’ll share this month’s bonus tip of the best productivity tools that are cheap, effective, and a game changer for everyone. I use, and insist you all try them. So do check them out and use them.

Here is the Bonus tip for you all:


Bonus Tip 1Miro is an AI-native app designed to streamline the process of brainstorming, studying, organizing, note-taking and presenting ideas.

Create stunning visual content(mind-maps, flowcharts, presentations etc) simply by chatting.

Miro helps convert your notes and structured essays into beautiful mind maps. It can create an easy-to-understand visual presentation from any idea or prompt.

Just enter a prompt, and you get a beautiful chart of your choice amongst the 2500+ free concept map templates. It makes me and my team understand everything faster,more efficient, and save a tonne of time.

I use it to create stunning mind maps, visual brainstorming, creating flowcharts and other presentations from my unorganized notes and ideas especially for my work, and studies.

This app has completely revolutionized the way I take notes and record my ideas, as someone who enjoys taking notes and jotting down every idea, this app is truly a game-changer.

It is another value-for-money tool that is dirt cheap compared to the amazing features it provides. Trust me, you will absolutely fall in love with this app’s simplicity, user experience, and ease of use.

Pricing: Freemium

I strongly recommend it to everyone. Definitely a must-have visual productivity tool in your list.

MIRO is truly your perfect day-to-day visual study/brainstorming/ideation buddy.

MIROBest Visual Productivity Tool for this Month


Bonus Tip 2: One great AI Productivity Writing tool I recently started using for day-to-day writing and tasks such as plagiarism checker, grammar checker, QuillBot-Flow , QuillBot AI Content Detector, Paraphraser, Summariser, and translator is QuillBot .

It is a great paraphrasing tool and can easily beat all the AI-content detectors out there.

I wanted to try something similar and cheaper than Grammarly(12$ per month).

I took up its yearly premium for around $4/month (58% off) . The price was literally dirt cheap compared to other writing tools I have used in the past.

I personally love QuillBot Flow, and the whole set of amazing writing tools it offers.

Personally, it’s UI and UX is very simple and easy to use. So I just wanted to share this awesome, productive tool with you all. Do check it out and use it in your day-to-day writing tasks.

It is literally a one-stop shop writing productivity tool for everyone.

Best Productivity Writing tool for this month

I really insist you go try the above tools out. Trust me, you won’t regret using these tools and will thank me later.

Let’s Jump right into it -


  1. What is CopyLeaks ?
  2. Best Ways To Bypass Copyleaks AI Detection.
    a) How to use the best AI Humanizer
    b) It’s Features and Benefits
    c) Use Personalized AI Prompts
    d) Add Variety To The Structure
    e) Incorporate Active Voice
    f) Include Personal Anecdotes
    g) Include Personal Anecdotes
    h) Don’t Overuse AI Tools
    i) Add Imperfections
  3. Importance of Bypassing Copyleaks?

What is CopyLeaks?

Copyleaks was founded in 2015 by Yehonatan Bitton and Alon Yamin. The two met in the Israeli Defense Forces as programmers who worked on advanced AI text analysis technology to analyze and identify patterns in text. Using their extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, they created Copyleaks, which initially started as a plagiarism checker.

In 2022, the company raised over $7.75 million to expand its services, which led to the company launching its AI detection service in January 2023. The platform was one of the first to offer multi-language support having also boasted a 99% accuracy rate in detecting content generated by popular AI language models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini, etc.

The platform also offers extensive features that include a Chrome extension tool and source-code AI detection, as well as LMS and API integration capabilities. For this reason, it is a popular tool that has continued to gain a ton of traction among online users and educational institutions alike.

Best Ways To Bypass Copyleaks AI Detection?

As mentioned before, Copyleaks can be circumvented, and there are two main ways to go about this. The first option is to use an AI humanized, and the other is to make various manual revisions to the AI text. Let’s explore each of these two methods in detail.

Use an AI Humanizer: BypassGPT

BypassGPT is an advanced AI humanization tool that rewrites AI content to sound more natural and human-like. Trained on millions of datasets of human-written content, it undertakes line-by-line revisions and refines the AI text using similar word choices and sentence structures typically used by real writers.

This enables it to produce authentic-sounding content that can achieve high human scores on even the most stringent AI detectors like Copyleaks. The platform can humanize AI text from any AI language model, be it ChatGPT, Claude, Jasper, or GPT-4. It also guarantees 100% unique output that can pass any plagiarism checker, such as Copyscape, Quetext, etc.

Apart from that, the platform comes with various features and benefits, such as:


  • Built-In AI Checker: Integrated with leading AI detectors for collective AI scoring
  • Next-Gen AI Bypass Technology: Replicates human-writing styles to beat AI detection
  • Native Language Support: Converts AI content to human-like text in 50+ different languages


  • Retains Original Meaning: Consistently maintains contextual accuracy with no distortion
  • User-Friendly Interface: Ensures users can easily humanize AI text with no hassle
  • Flexible AI Humanizer: Works with any content type, e.g. emails, articles, essays, etc.

An AI humanizer like BypassGPT can effectively bypass Copyleaks detection. But if you want an alternative option, you can try to make manual edits and revisions to the AI text. This can be accomplished in several ways, such as:

Use Personalized AI Prompts

If you want less generic AI content, then you need to use more personalized and detailed AI prompts when generating content. This means requesting the AI tool to use a specific tone of voice or style of writing. For instance, “Write an article on plants in a casual tone,” along with other detailed instructions, is a good prompt to use.

Add Variety To The Structure

AI content usually has a uniform style of writing, which results in predictable patterns of sentence structures that AI detectors can spot. To counter this, you can add some variety by restructuring sentences entirely. This can mean changing the lengths, using different text formats, etc.

Incorporate Active Voice

AI content is usually written in passive voice to help convey impartiality. However, this also makes it sound robotic. Instead, you can make the content sound more human, engaging, and relatable by replacing any passive voice constructions with active voice.

Include Personal Anecdotes

Including a personal story, opinion, example, or real-life experience in the AI content can make the content seem less formulaic and bland. Since AI tools can’t convey such things, it ensures the text carries a level of authenticity that AI detectors like Copyleaks will recognize as human.

Add Imperfections

Human writing isn’t perfect. It often contains slight imperfections, such as using contractions or ending a sentence with a preposition. Adding these can make AI-generated text seem more human.

You can even add typos and grammar errors. But you should be extra careful when doing this. Don’t overuse it to make your content hard to read or look like it’s written by a bad writer.

Use Specific Examples

AI often uses general or vague examples. To make your content read more human, and more solidified, you can try replacing these with specific, detailed examples or data relevant to your context.

Don’t Overuse AI Tools

You should avoid generating full-length content pieces using AI. To avoid detection, it is effective to use AI for generating short drafts or some parts of the text. From there, you can expand upon them using real human input. In short, use AI to supplement parts of the content, not all of it.

Why Is It Important To Bypass Copyleaks?

Knowing how to bypass Copyleaks can be very helpful in that it can:

  • Improve SEO Ranking: Search engines like Google have fairly strict policies against the use of spammy AI content. In this respect, an effective way to ensure you remain in compliance with their guidelines is to humanize your AI text. Bypassing Copyleaks enables you to help you avoid being penalized.
  • Boost Work Efficiency: Using AI tools to streamline content writing is an effective way to boost productivity and efficiency. However, many workplaces, platforms, and institutions still frown upon the use of AI content. To this end, effectively humanizing AI text to bypass Copyleaks means that you can keep using AI tools without consequences.
  • Enhance Readability: The biggest fault with AI content is it sounds too bland and robotic to keep readers engaged. This can be problematic, especially for marketing and advertising purposes. However, humanizing the content to bypass Copyleaks helps to confirm that it sounds human and authentic enough to keep audiences attentive.


Copyleaks can be a troubling AI detector if you rely heavily on AI for your content detection. Knowing how to outsmart them is essential in ensuring that your AI workflow remains uninterrupted.

In this article, you have effectively summed up all the best ways to bypass Copyleaks AI detection.

While you can opt to edit the AI content manually, the easiest way to humanize AI text is to use BypassGPT. All it takes is a few clicks and it will make any AI content undetectable to Copyleaks. This saves a lot of time and effort having to make the changes yourself. Plus, the platform has a free plan, so you can test it without any payment required.

Awesome, you have reached the end and have already become smarter, more effective, and productive just by learning about these Prompts. The next step is to use them. Good luck!

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