Can AI make you happy?

Can AI make you happy? Can it save marriages and prevent suicide?

Nonprofit leaders believe it can. Medical professionals agree.

We’re investing significant time, energy, and resources to make free AI-powered relationship coaching and emotions support available 24/7/365. We believe preventing relationship breakdown and helping people be happier is important to disrupting global challenges such as homelessness, poverty, addictions, crime, and suicide.

Yodi AI Relationship Coach and Mentor by PAIRS

AI that talks and listens

Many are already benefiting. In a short time, thousands from dozens of countries have registered and begun using an AI-powered platform based on a leading evidence-based relationship skills training curriculum. More than a million people have watched YouTube videos about the innovative App, known as Yodi.

Yodi talks to people, and listens.

Learn about Yodi AI Relationship Coach on YouTube.

Conversations that matter

Yodi is trained to help people recognize how they communicate under stress and learn effective communications techniques that promote understanding and connection.

Yodi is able to have a dialogue with users based on the PAIRS Daily Temperature Reading exercise. One conversation between the user and AI involves sharing appreciations to boost self-worth and self-esteem, new information, learning to check out assumptions, problem-solve, and confiding aspirations. Another, based on PAIRS Talking Tips exercise, includes confiding about a concern and figuring out a solution.

The App includes a range of other communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution exercises to help users strengthen their ability to speak effectively, listen actively, and negotiate differences and disagreements.

Where AI meets EQ

Based on PAIRS, which stands for Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills, the Yodi App’s strongest features are the skills it teaches for boosting emotional literacy. In fact, Yodi is where artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence meet.

Those skills include exercises such as Emptying the Emotional Jug, the Volcano Anger Ritual, Identifying Hidden Expectations, Confiding an Emotional Allergy, and even a Museum Tour of Past Hurts and Disappointments.

Better use of therapy and counseling

For many of the 50 million Americans in therapy, Yodi will help them make better use of counseling. For others, Yodi will provide an educational, but therapeutic-type experience through confidential dialogue with AI specifically trained in emotional literacy.

The overall goal is to help people be happier, understand themselves more deeply, relieve upsetting feelings, develop effective coping skills, and have greater competence navigating the challenges of interpersonal relationships.

Learn more at


Launched in 1975, PAIRS is considered the world’s most comprehensive relationship skills training program. Before it was made available to the general public, the 120-hour course was designed to help future counselors learn practical, usable skills to help individuals and couples. PAIRS is based on the work of pioneers in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, therapy, and education, such as Drs. Virginia Satir, Daniel Casriel, George Bach, and Lori Heyman Gordon.


Intimacy is a skill that can be learned

PAIRS is an acronym that stands for β€œPractical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills”. Half a century ago, couples therapy was a relatively new concept. The idea of skills training for intimacy was not in the public consciousness. That changed significantly in 1996 when behavioral scientist Dr. Carlos Durana published groundbreaking research that concluded β€œintimacy is a skill that can be learned.” Dr. Durana’s research was based on a study of participants in the PAIRS program.

Leader in relationship skills training

PAIRS expanded from being a semester-long course for graduate students at American University in Washington, D.C. to becoming an industry leader in relationship skills training. In 2019, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs licensed PAIRS technology to ensure PAIRS skills training is accessible to millions of veterans and their family members through VA medical centers across the United States. Thousands of behavioral health professionals and clergy have gone through professional certification training to learn to facilitate PAIRS programs.

In 2023, PAIRS Foundation, a CARF-accredited nonprofit, teamed up with Purpose Built Families Foundation to develop Yodi, an artificial intelligence program that has been trained as a PAIRS facilitator.



Seth Eisenberg
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Seth Eisenberg is Chairman and CEO of Purpose Built Families Foundation and Co-Founder of the Operation Sacred Trust program for ending Veteran homelessness.