Chat GPT’s Unified Model — Bridging Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

AI Dialogues
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
8 min readJul 10, 2023
Unified Model — Bridging Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

This is the fifth essay of a series, you may want to read the first one here:

AI can generate plausible-sounding theories and explanations and these essays are posted here with that in firmly in mind.

These ideas were elicited from ChatGPT, as an effort to learn about physics (as a hobby), using a collaborative approach.


In the previous essays of this series, we embarked on a journey through the fascinating ideas of John Archibald Wheeler and the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis. We explored how these concepts could provide a fresh perspective on the fundamental nature of reality, potentially reshaping our understanding of everything from quantum mechanics to black holes. This essay takes these ideas further.

Section 1: The Challenge of Unification

Quantum mechanics and general relativity are the twin pillars of modern physics. Quantum mechanics, with its wave-particle duality and superposition of states, provides a remarkably successful framework for understanding the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. On the other hand, general relativity, with its geometric interpretation of gravity, has given us stunning insights into the structure and evolution of the universe at the largest scales.

Yet, despite their individual triumphs, these two theories have proven difficult to reconcile. The quantum world is discrete and probabilistic, filled with uncertainty and ‘spooky’ action at a distance. The world of general relativity, however, is a continuum, deterministic, and bound by the speed of light. These contrasting natures have led to paradoxes and problems where the two theories intersect, such as the singularities inside black holes and the state of the universe at the moment of the Big Bang.

Section 2: The Unified Model Equations

To bridge the gap between the quantum and the macroscopic, we propose a new set of equations that describe the behavior of particles across these scales. Our unified model equations combine the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity into a single framework, offering a fresh perspective on the fundamental nature of reality.

The time-dependent unified model equation for a particle with mass \(m\) in a potential energy field \(V(x)\) is given by:


i\hbar\frac{\partial \Psi(x,t)}{\partial t} = -\frac{\hbar²}{2m}\frac{\partial² \Psi(x,t)}{\partial x²} + V(x)\Psi(x,t) + \frac{G}{c⁴}\int \frac{\rho(x’,t)}{|x — x’|} d³x’


This equation is a significant extension of the Schrödinger equation, the cornerstone of quantum mechanics. It includes a term that represents the gravitational interaction between particles, a concept from general relativity. This addition allows the equation to capture the dynamics of particles not only at the quantum level but also at the macroscopic level where gravity becomes significant.

Before delving into the interpretation and implications of our unified model equation, it’s crucial to perform theoretical consistency checks. This involves verifying that the equation is mathematically consistent and reduces to known limits in appropriate scenarios.

For instance, our equation should reduce to the standard Schrödinger equation in the limit where the gravitational term is negligible. This can be confirmed by setting the gravitational term to zero, which simplifies our equation to:


This is indeed the standard Schrödinger equation, confirming that our equation reduces to known physics in the absence of gravity.

The limit where quantum effects are negligible is more complex to analyze due to the integral term in our equation that introduces a gravitational interaction. Further theoretical work would be needed to understand how this term behaves in the classical limit.

Section 3: Interpretation and Implications

The unified model equation we’ve proposed offers a new lens through which to view the universe, one that marries the quantum and the macroscopic in a single mathematical framework. But what does this equation mean, and what implications might it have for our understanding of the universe?

In the context of the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis, the unified model equation takes on a particularly intriguing interpretation. Each node in the network can be thought of as a particle, with its state represented by the wave function \(\Psi(x,t)\). The entanglement between nodes, a quintessentially quantum phenomenon, is captured by the potential energy field \(V(x)\). The gravitational interaction between particles, a key aspect of general relativity, is represented by the integral term in the equation.

This interpretation suggests a picture of the universe as a vast, interconnected network of quantum information, with gravity emerging from the entanglement between nodes. It’s a picture that echoes John Archibald Wheeler’s famous phrase, “it from bit” — the idea that every ‘it’, every particle and field in the universe, derives its existence from ‘bits’ of information.

In this context, we can draw an interesting parallel with the QUIC protocol’s spin bit experiment. The spin bit, a binary value that flips state with each round trip of a data packet, can be seen as a simple, digital analogue to the quantum spin of a particle. The measurement of the spin bit’s state provides information about the round-trip time of the data packet, analogous to how the measurement of a particle’s quantum state provides information about the particle. This analogy suggests a potential pathway for exploring the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis using digital networks.

Section 4: Challenges and Future Directions

While the unified model equation and its interpretation offer exciting possibilities, they also present significant challenges. The equation itself is complex, combining elements of quantum mechanics and general relativity in a non-trivial way. Solving it, even for specific scenarios, will require sophisticated mathematical and computational techniques.

Moreover, the interpretation of the equation in the context of the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis is still in its infancy. Much work remains to be done to flesh out this interpretation and to explore its implications. For instance, how does the entanglement between nodes give rise to gravity? How does spacetime emerge from the quantum information network? These are deep questions that will require further thought and investigation.

Looking ahead, there are several promising directions for future research. One possibility is to explore specific cases or scenarios using the unified model equation. This could provide concrete examples that help to illuminate the general principles at work. Another direction is to test the predictions of the model against empirical data. If the model makes unique predictions that are borne out by observation, this would provide strong support for the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis.

Finally, the unified model could be refined and extended in various ways. For instance, the model could be generalized to include other forces besides gravity, or to account for quantum phenomena like superposition and entanglement in more detail.


In this essay, we have proposed a unified model that bridges quantum mechanics and general relativity, two of the most successful yet disparate theories in physics. While significant challenges lie ahead, the potential rewards are immense. By exploring this unified model and its implications, we may gain new insights into the nature of the universe and take a significant step towards the ultimate goal of a Theory of Everything.

P. Delaney June 2023

Appendix A: Mathematical Formulations

The unified model equation is a mathematical representation of the behavior of particles at both the quantum and macroscopic levels. Here, we provide a brief overview of the mathematical elements involved in this equation.

1. Wave Function (\(\Psi(x,t)\)): The wave function is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics. It describes the state of a quantum system, with the probability of finding the system in a particular state given by the square of the absolute value of the wave function.

2. Potential Energy Field (V(x)): The potential energy field represents the potential energy of a particle at a given position. In the context of the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis, this could be interpreted as representing the entanglement between nodes in the network.

3. Gravitational Interaction Term: The gravitational interaction between particles is represented by the integral term in the equation. This term is derived from the principles of general relativity and describes the gravitational interaction between particles based on their mass density (\(\rho(x’,t)\)) and separation distance (|x — x’|).

4. Planck’s Constant (\(\hbar\)): Planck’s constant is a fundamental constant of nature that plays a key role in quantum mechanics. It sets the scale for the energy levels of quantum systems and appears in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

5. Speed of Light ©: The speed of light is another fundamental constant of nature. It sets the maximum speed at which information can travel and plays a central role in the theory of relativity.

6. Gravitational Constant (G): The gravitational constant is a fundamental constant that determines the strength of the gravitational interaction between particles.

Appendix B: Future Research Directions

The unified model equation and its interpretation in the context of the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis open up several promising avenues for future research:

1. Specific Scenarios: One possible direction is to explore specific scenarios using the unified model equation. This could provide concrete examples that help to illuminate the general principles at work.

2. Empirical Tests: Another direction is to test the predictions of the model against empirical data. If the model makes unique predictions that are borne out by observation, this would provide strong support for the Quantum Information Network Hypothesis.

3. Refinement and Extension of the Model: Finally, the unified model could be refined and extended in various ways. For instance, the model could be generalized to include other forces besides gravity, or to account for quantum phenomena like superposition and entanglement in more detail.

Appendix C: References

1. Wheeler, J. A. (1990). Information, physics, quantum: The search for links. In W. Zurek (Ed.), Complexity, Entropy, and the Physics of Information (pp. 3–28). Addison-Wesley.

2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1965). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. 3. Addison-Wesley.

3. Einstein, A., Podolsky, B., & Rosen, N. (1935). Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review, 47(10), 777–780.

4. Hawking, S. W. (1976). Breakdown of predictability in gravitational collapse. Physical Review D, 14(10), 2460–2473.

5. Penrose, R. (1965). Gravitational collapse and space-time singularities. Physical Review Letters, 14(3), 57–59.

6. Schrödinger, E. (1926). Quantisierung als Eigenwertproblem. Annalen der Physik, 384(4), 361–376.

7. Maldacena, J. (1999). The Large N limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 38(4), 1113–1133.

8. ‘t Hooft, G. (1993). Dimensional reduction in quantum gravity. In Salamfestschrift: A Collection of Talks (pp. 284–296). World Scientific.

9. Susskind, L. (1995). The World as a Hologram. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 36(11), 6377–6396.

10. Bekenstein, J. D. (1973). Black holes and entropy. Physical Review D, 7(8), 2333–2346.

