a group of children sits at a desk in front of a robot teacher. robots wait behind the robot teacher and are hooked to it with many wires
Dr. Peeps/Midjourney

ChatGPT: A Tool for Empowerment or Oppression?

How Artificial Intelligence can be used to promote or undermine equity in education.

A drawback of leaving public schools for higher education is that I’ve lost the ability to test my assumptions about teaching and learning. For example, in a classroom, I could quickly test out responses to this question: Are there ways to use ChatGPT in teaching and learning that don’t inadvertently cause harm?

One of the things I notice about my personal use of ChatGPT is that, yes, I like to use it for searches β€” particularly if I’m trying to remember something abstract β€” but I mainly use it for answers and patience. This is where it can come to seem superhuman and god-like.

ChatGPT is always on, always open to whatever I ask, never judgmental, and can often help me build a more solid understanding of complex material. As I write these descriptions, it strikes me that these are traits we not only expect of our teachers but almost demand. And on top of that, we expect them to operate in the same inhuman mode of depersonalized and individualized service.

Is ChatGPT Just Like Calculators in the Classroom?

The already tired analogy of ChatGPT in the classroom is that it is like when…

