ChatGPT Power Prompts Cheatsheet-C.R.E.A.T.E Framework For Prompting

The true power of a language model lies not just in its size, but in the wisdom embedded within the prompts it encounters. Thoughtfully crafted prompts are the architects of intelligent conversations with machines.

In this blog post, I have designed a new Prompting Framework for interacting with ChatGPT or any other LLM tool, which I have named the C.R.E.A.T.E framework.

Designed by Anish Singh Walia in Canva

You can craft the most effective ChatGPT prompts whenever you use this framework and keep this framework in mind.

The best part is that there is no need to upgrade to a Pro subscription with these tested prompting techniques and save some bucks. It all depends on your use case.

I personally use a few other productivity and AI tools along with ChatGPT, like Quillbot(4$ per month),$ per month), and Notion AI(8$ per month). All the 3 tools are dirt cheap and cost me less than the monthly Pro subscription of ChatGPT. Still, great prompting skills will always benefit you, whether working with ChatGPT or any other LLM/Generative AI tool.

NOTE:To add more value and as a USP of my blog, at the end of this blog post, I have designed and attached a cheat sheet of the prompts discussed here for you to use and share.

Also, I’ll share this month’s bonus tip or best productivity tools that are cheap, effective, and a game changer, which I personally use, prefer, and insist you all try. So do check them out and use them.

Here is the Bonus tip for you all.


Bonus Tip 1: One great AI all-in-one Productivity/Task management tool I recently started using is Notion. Over the past few months, Notion has become famous and my absolute favorite.

If you’re like me, Juggling work, daily tasks, notes, and projects is tough. Multiple tabs for email, Slack, and Google Docs make it overwhelming. I personally use Notion AI, which streamlines everything in one place. It’s a game-changer, and you won’t regret using it.

I’ve been using its PRO version for a while now, and I must say, it’s been a complete game-changer for me. With almost every online co-working tool integration you can think of, it makes my daily work routine a breeze.

Plus, the pricing is unbeatable/cheapest for the tonnes of features it provides compared to all other all-in-one AI productivity tools I have used. I have taken up the annual subscription for mere 8$/month. Another awesome tool which is litreally dirt cheap.

Best all-in-one AI Productivity tool for this month


Bonus Tip 2: One great AI Productivity Writing tool I recently started using for day-to-day writing and tasks such as plagiarism checker, grammar checker, QuillBot-Flow , QuillBot AI Content Detector, Paraphraser, Summariser, and translator is QuillBot .

I wanted to find a more affordable alternative to Grammarly for my writing needs. After doing some research, I decided to purchase a yearly premium subscription for around $4 per month (58% off the regular price).

This is a much more cost-effective option compared to Grammarly, which charges $12 per month. In the past, I’ve used other writing and productivity AI tools, but this one is definitely the most budget-friendly and loaded with great features.

I personally love QuillBot Flow, and the whole set of amazing writing tools it offers for a writer to be productive and effective. Cherry on top is its UI and UX which is just so simple and easy to use. So, I wanted to share this awesome, productive tool with you all. Do check it out and use it in your day-to-day writing tasks.

It is literally a one-stop shop writing productivity tool for everyone to become more productive and masters of their skills.

Best Productivity Writing tool for this month

I really insist you to go try the above tools out. Trust me, you won’t regret using these tools and will thank me later.

Here is a straightforward set of guidelines to help you effectively use ChatGPT and Achieve exceptional results using C.R.E.A.T.E Method for prompting.

What does C.R.E.A.T.E. stand for ?


Begin by selecting a context from the available options or by precisely outlining the topic or subject you would like ChatGPT to concentrate on


Identify the desired outcome or result you aim to accomplish with ChatGPT. Pick from the given list or illustrate a similar objective.


Provide a detailed explanation of your request, including any crucial information that will assist ChatGPT in understanding the context and expected outcome more effectively.


Define the target audience by considering age, interests, occupation, and demographics.


When writing, select an appropriate tone that aligns with the content’s purpose and intended audience.


After ChatGPT produces a response, thoroughly examine and modify the content using suggested editing techniques (e.g. expand, modify, shorten, etc.) to ensure it corresponds with your desired result.

By adhering to the C.R.E.A.T.E method for creating prompts, you can enhance your engagement with ChatGPT and achieve remarkable results tailored to your individual requirements and objectives.


  • Copywriter
  • Author
  • Doctor
  • Lawyer
  • Engineer
  • Marketer
  • Statistician
  • Journalist
  • Writer
  • Personal Trainer
  • Trader
  • Financial Analyst
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Venture Capitalist
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Graphic Designer


  • Email
  • Book
  • Website
  • Outline
  • Summary
  • Manual
  • Procedure
  • Agreement
  • Content
  • Script
  • Speech
  • Press Release
  • Business Plan
  • Review
  • Optimize
  • Criticise


  • Summarizing
  • Explaining
  • Creating
  • Comparing
  • Contrasting
  • Evaluating
  • Narrating
  • Analyzing
  • Defining
  • Persuading
  • Informing
  • Entertaining
  • Predicting
  • Offering
  • Synthesizing
  • Detailing


  • Business Owners
  • Men
  • Women
  • Young adults
  • Collage Students
  • Parents
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Investors
  • Freelancers
  • Engineers
  • Developers
  • Travelers
  • Homeowners
  • Remote workers


  • Persuasive
  • Engaging
  • Serious
  • Informative
  • Entertaining
  • Conversational
  • Professional
  • Friendly
  • Inspirational
  • Humorous
  • Authoritative
  • Objective
  • Descriptive
  • Emotional
  • Analytical
  • Concise


  • Explain
  • Iterate
  • Expand
  • Modify
  • Add
  • Delete
  • Revise
  • Rewrite
  • Summarise
  • Simplify
  • Reorganize
  • Paraphrase
  • Update
  • Proofread
  • Fact-check
  • Rephrase


I hope you enjoyed reading this blog on the C.R.E.A.T.E framework for Prompt Engineering and getting the best results out of ChatGPT.

Awesome, you have reached the end and have already become more smarter, more effective, and productive just by learning about this ChatGPT Framework. The next step is to use them. Good luck!

Thanks for reading till here; if you liked my content and want to support me, the best way is —

  1. Follow Me On Medium.
  2. Connect With Me On LinkedIn and Github, where I keep sharing more such content.
  3. Subscribe and Follow for Free access to my newsletter every time I publish, and keep yourself updated on the latest AI tools, Chatgpt trends, and technologies to make your lives easier and more productive, save money, and be effective at whatever you do.

Your support motivates me to keep researching, designing cheatsheets, and writing about such topics.

The cheat sheet, save this post in your reading list, copy and paste the prompts from below, and keep it as a reference:

Designed by Anish Singh Walia in Canva

I have written some other ChatGPT Cheatsheets and Prompting Blog posts that will help you. Do check them out and save them in your Reading List:

Check out my other blog posts for top tried and tested AI tools and techniques to make your life easier and be more productive and effective at what you do:

Please take something of value from this blog post and this cheat sheet.

Let’s harness the power of AI and technology to create a better future.

Other Resources

Do check out my other blog posts. I am sure you will find something of value in them.



Anish Singh Walia
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

AI Educator | ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Expert | Medium Top Writers(India) | 2M+ monthly views | Let's connect on LinkedIn-