ChatGPT smashes Google on Einstein

Globe icon as 4 puzzle pieces with the last piece waiting to be put in place.
What are we missing? (Freepik, Flaticon)

ChatGPT was asked this question

When Einstein spoke about ‘our modes of thinking’ what did he mean, and how was his different?

ChatGPT responded

“When Einstein spoke about ‘our modes of thinking,’ he was referring to the way in which humans understand and interpret the world around them.

He believed that our modes of thinking were limited by the cultural and societal influences that shape our beliefs and values.

He saw these limitations as barriers to discovering new knowledge and understanding the true nature of the universe.

Einstein’s approach to thinking was different from many of his contemporaries in that he relied heavily on imagination and thought experiments to explore complex scientific concepts.

He believed that our intuition and imagination were essential tools for scientific discovery, and he often used these tools to come up with new ideas and theories.

Moreover, Einstein’s thinking was characterized by a deep skepticism of established beliefs and dogmas.

He challenged commonly accepted notions, such as the idea of absolute time and space, and proposed new ideas that fundamentally changed the way we think about the universe.

In summary, Einstein’s approach to thinking was characterized by a willingness to challenge established beliefs, a reliance on imagination and thought experiments, and a deep skepticism of cultural and societal influences that may limit our understanding of the world.”

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ChatGPT gave this exact answer, word-for-word, in about 5 seconds!

It is an exceptionally high-grade synthesis of hundreds of Google searches and thousands of hours of sorting, reading, understanding, and distilling.

More importantly, it is spot on, and diplomatic.


About 95% (considering current limitations)?

What can’t AI do?

Although ChatGPT will do even more impressive things, Warren Buffet has just described the limit in plain English:

AI “can change everything in the world, except how men think and behave, and that’s a big step to take.”

Buffet, like Einstein, would like to disarm ego armed nuclear bombs, and help humanity make the switch to investing in construction and abundance instead of fear, division, hatred, belligerence, destruction and scarcity.

Beyond AI

To achieve this would require something many times more powerful than AI.

How about the non-egoic ‘whole-brain’ science of Einstein — the Science Of Everything (SOE), as partly described by ChatGPT above?

There would be literally nothing good that the SOE cannot do.

Leapfrog ChatGPT

Companies like Google would be able to leapfrog ChatGPT.

At the National Security level, countries like the USA could remediate its $31 trillion debt ceiling which is part of the $210 trillion “Kotlikoff Sinkhole” (hopefully before they implode).

At the International Security Level, we can even remediate geopolitics to avert nuclear war and gradually usher in Humanity 3.0 — everything better for everyone everywhere (hopefully before it is too late).

Limitless value?

What would the SOE be worth?

A million dollars?

A trillion dollars?

A quadrillion dollars?


Good News

Get this, the SOE has just been distilled and synthesized!

Right NOW it is available for one or two dollars per person per week!

Inaction is expensive

Around 2006, Steve Jobs put billions of dollars on the table and had a hard time getting current Corning Glass CEO Wendell Weeks to take it.

Steve just kept on repeating:

“Don’t be afraid. You can do it.”

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Marc Andreessen, Associated Press, PwC Canada, Google News Lab, Trevor Mundel, Microsoft Women, Netflix Technology Blog, City of New York, New York Magazine, Washington Post, Jack Dorsey, Square, Emerson Collective, U.S. Department of State, Tech-News-In-China, Jill Biden, President Joe Biden, Venture For Canada, The New Zealand Herald, The Washington Times, CNN, Arianna Huffington, Arianna Huffington, BuzzFeed News, TIME, Steve Forbes, MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos, Dustin Moskovitz, George Soros, Dr Priscilla Chan, The Atlantic, The Guardian, Netflix Technology Blog, The Economist, Tim Denning, The New Yorker, TED Talks, Tim O'Reilly, Michael Dell, Pierre Omidyar, Ted Turner, Aeon Magazine, Sam Altman.

