Crafting the Perfect Tea Pouring System: A 3D Printing Adventure

Pieter Geelen
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
4 min readFeb 5, 2024

In the world of teatime technology, our latest creation introduces a seamless blend of functionality and elegance. Welcome to the realm of 3D-printed Tea Pouring Systems, where we’ve meticulously designed two key components — the Main Enclosure and the Cupholder — to elevate your tea experience. In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of these components and guide you through the 3D printing process for replicating this masterpiece.

source: imgflip


Main Enclosure

At the heart of our tea pouring innovation lies the Main Enclosure, housing an Arduino Uno Rev 4 (Wifi edition), an Arduino Motor shield, and a compact electrical pump. The design incorporates a clever floating “shelve” to safeguard electronics from potential liquid mishaps, ensuring the longevity of your teatime companion

The Enclosure

To enhance operational serenity, the enclosure features a layout:

  • Front Holes for the tubes
  • Back holes for the barrel jack, the Power Switch and a USB Cable — ideal for those moments when you need to reflash the device.

The package includes two essential files: enclosure_box.stl and enclosure_lid.stl, encompassing the main body and a closing lid.


Complementing the Main Enclosure is the ingeniously crafted Cupholder, specifically designed to streamline the tea-pouring process. Engineered for simplicity and minimal intrusion into your cup, the cupholder boasts a 30-degree angled nozzle, allowing for easy access even with a straw.

Cupholder with hollow stem to manage the silicone tube

Consisting of two files, cupholder_base.stl and cupholder_nozzle.stl, this component ensures a hassle-free assembly. The assembly involves a friction mount of the nozzle atop the stem, guiding an 8 mm silicone tube (6 mm inner diameter) from the base, up through the stem, and back down through the nozzle. The result? A perfectly orchestrated tea-pouring experience.

Nozzle to turn the tube back down into the cup, can be friction mounted onto the stem of the cupholder.
Cupholder in real life

Printing Instructions

Materials and Equipment

For the magic to happen, we recommend using Transparent PETG filament and a Bambu X1 3D printer equipped with a smooth PEI Plate/High Temp Plate. These tools, with their Lidar feature, proved essential for achieving the precision required for our tea-pouring system.


Optimize your 3D print settings to achieve the best results:

  • Layer Height: 0.24 mm for a balance of quality and print speed.
  • First Layer: Set to 0.2 mm for solid adhesion to the print bed.
  • Ironing: Enable ironing for all top surfaces to ensure a smooth finish.


Implement a support structure, crucial for the nozzle’s inside ring that friction mounts to the base. Choose a tree (auto) type support with the “Tree Strong” style and enhance it with two layers of rafting for a flawless print.

Filament Costs


Plan your filament costs wisely by considering the grams of filament used for each component. Here’s a breakdown:

Note: Assumes a spool of 1 kg filament costs around 20 to 30 euros.

Embark on your tea-pouring journey armed with these printing guidelines. Keep in mind that results may vary based on your printer and filament, but these settings have proven successful with the Bambu X1 and Transparent PETG. Cheers to a delightful teatime experience!




Pieter Geelen
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

I'm an experienced tech leader proficient in ML, data engineering, and project management. Let's connect for success!