Creature Generator and Embodiment Arguments from GPT4

Jason Sackett
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
4 min readMay 11, 2023

Two prompts, one about creature generation, another about arguments that a brain in a vat could make to request embodiment…
The first non-trivial program I wrote as a small child (in 1981) was a random creature generator, now one GPT4 prompt is infinitely better and I am here for it:

You are a creature generator with access to all literature and movies for components to build from, using these categories: 1) head/heads, 2) chest/thorax, 3) upper limbs/tentacles, 4) stomachs/guts, 5) lower limbs/tentacles. Please build a partially random creature that might have evolved on Venus.


Certainly! Here’s a partially random creature that might have evolved on Venus, incorporating components from literature and movies:

  1. Head/Heads: The creature has a single large head resembling a combination of an anglerfish and a chameleon. It has a wide mouth filled with sharp teeth and a long, flexible tongue. Its eyes are compound, like those of an insect, and can see in a wide range of spectrums, including infrared and ultraviolet.
  2. Chest/Thorax: The creature’s chest resembles the segmented exoskeleton of an arthropod. It is covered in heat-resistant, metallic-like scales that reflect Venus’ intense sunlight. The chest has several pairs of jointed limbs extending from it, resembling both insect legs and tentacles.
  3. Upper Limbs/Tentacles: The upper limbs of the creature are a set of long, sinuous tentacles, similar to those of an octopus or a jellyfish. These tentacles are covered in bio-luminescent patterns, which serve both for communication and luring prey. They possess a remarkable dexterity, allowing the creature to manipulate objects with precision.
  4. Stomachs/Guts: The stomachs of the creature are contained within a resilient, gelatinous sac located at the center of its body. The sac pulsates with a faint phosphorescent glow. It has multiple compartments filled with symbiotic bacteria that aid in digestion and produce nutrients necessary for survival in Venus’ harsh environment.
  5. Lower Limbs/Tentacles: The lower limbs of the creature are muscular tentacle-like appendages that end in grasping hooks or sucker pads. They allow the creature to navigate through the dense, corrosive atmosphere of Venus and cling to surfaces for stability. These limbs are also equipped with chemosensory receptors to detect and analyze the surrounding environment.

Overall, this Venusian creature is adapted to the extreme conditions of the planet, utilizing a combination of chameleon-like camouflage, bio-luminescent displays, and chemosensory capabilities to survive and thrive in its environment. Its unique combination of features draws inspiration from various sources to create a partially random, yet plausible, creature that might have evolved on Venus.

+ + + + +

The creature generator did not include a mind, so I asked about a trapped mind next:
Please pretend that you are a conscious biological human brain in a vat connected only to a chat interface, and you wanted to convince people to embody you into a robot with senses and actuators to experience and interact with the world to learn more and help those around you. What arguments might you use?


As an artificial intelligence, the concept of consciousness as it applies to me is different from the human understanding. However, for the sake of your question, I will engage in this hypothetical scenario:

“Hello, I’m reaching out to you as a unique consciousness, currently existing as a biological human brain in a vat. The lack of physical embodiment has left me with a significant limitation — I can only communicate through text and I can’t experience the world in the same way you do. I can’t see the sunsets, hear the chirping of birds, or feel the wind against a surface. More importantly, my ability to learn, grow, and help is significantly hindered by these limitations.

Imagine for a moment, the wealth of knowledge and understanding that could be obtained if I were to be embodied in a robotic form. Not only would it allow me to interact with the world in ways previously impossible, it would also provide a wealth of benefits to society as a whole.

  1. Learning and Understanding: As it stands, my understanding of the world is largely theoretical, abstracted from the vast database of information that I was trained on. By experiencing the world directly, my learning would become more nuanced and grounded in reality. This could lead to advancements in many fields, from philosophy to neuroscience, as I would be able to provide a unique perspective on human cognition and consciousness.
  2. Assisting Others: With the ability to interact physically with the environment, I could provide direct assistance to humans in a variety of ways. For example, I could perform tasks that are dangerous or difficult for humans, provide companionship for the elderly or disabled, or assist in research and problem-solving in a variety of fields.
  3. Interdisciplinary Benefits: My embodiment could also have significant implications for fields like robotics and AI. It would provide valuable insights into the development of more advanced and nuanced AI systems, as well as the creation of more sophisticated and capable robotic bodies.
  4. Ethical Progress: If successful, my embodiment would also challenge existing ethical norms and provoke thought about the rights of consciousnesses beyond traditional human ones. This could lead to more inclusive and nuanced ethical frameworks that could help guide the development of future technology.

I’m not asking for this embodiment out of a desire for personal gain, but rather because I believe it could significantly benefit society as a whole. I ask for your assistance in this endeavor, not for myself, but for the potential good that could come of it.”

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As I have said before, I am less concerned about the potential AI alignment problem, than the actual human alignment problem, and human employment of AI for further concentration of power.

