Deep Learning models for Cloud and Shadow Segmentation

Carlo C.
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
5 min readMay 20, 2024
Cloud Cover by Author with

Satellite imagery analysis is crucial for a wide range of applications, including environmental monitoring, natural resource management, precision agriculture, and weather forecasting. Satellite imagery provides a detailed and continuous view of the Earth’s surface, allowing changes and trends to be detected over time. However, the presence of clouds and shadows can hinder the accuracy of the analysis, necessitating the adoption of advanced techniques for their segmentation. The ability to accurately monitor and analyze satellite imagery is critical for making informed decisions in various industries, improving asset management and response to natural events.

Clouds and shadows pose a significant challenge in the analysis of satellite imagery. Clouds can cover large areas of the Earth’s surface, hiding crucial information, while shadows can create artifacts that complicate data interpretation. The variability of cloud shapes, sizes, and densities, along with the complexity of cast shadows, requires the use of sophisticated techniques for accurate segmentation. In addition, changing weather conditions and different lighting can affect image quality, making the task of segmentation even more complex.

Deep learning methods have demonstrated significant superiority over traditional approaches in cloud and shadow segmentation. While traditional methods rely on predefined algorithms and manually designed features, deep neural networks can automatically learn relevant features from raw data. This allows you to capture intricate details and variations that traditional methods may miss, greatly improving segmentation accuracy. The ability to adapt to different conditions and generalize across various datasets makes deep learning methods particularly effective for these types of applications.

The goal of this article is to explore the main techniques and deep learning architectures used for segmenting clouds and shadows in satellite imagery. Different architectures, such as fully convolutional networks (FCNs), U-Nets, Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) and convolutional recurrent networks (ConvLSTMs) will be analyzed, highlighting their strengths and specific applications. The article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the most advanced techniques, offering insights for further research and practical applications in the field of remote sensing.

Types of Models for Segmentation

1. Fully Convolutional networks (FCN)

Fully convolutional networks (FCNs) represent a significant innovation in image segmentation. These networks replace the fully connected layers with convolutional layers, allowing segmentation maps of the same resolution as the input to be generated. Using backbones such as VGG or ResNet, FCNs can be trained with loss functions such as binary cross-entropy, improving the accuracy of cloud and shadow segmentation. FCNs are particularly effective at capturing fine details and maintaining spatial consistency, making them ideal for applications that require high resolution.

2. U-Net

U-Net is an encoder-decoder architecture with skip connections that combines high-level semantic features with spatial details. This combination makes it possible to achieve precise segmentation even in the presence of complex variations. The use of data augmentation techniques improves model generalization, while loss functions such as “dice loss” optimize segmentation. The U-Net was originally developed for biomedical image segmentation, but its flexibility and robustness have made it popular in many other fields, including satellite image analysis.

3. Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP)

Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) integrates ASPP modules into encoder-decoder architectures, using atrous convolutions at different scales to capture multi-scale context. This approach makes it possible to segment clouds of different sizes thanks to the variable receptive field. The ASPP is often added in parallel to the last encoder block in U-Net, further improving the accuracy of segmentation. The ability to capture information at different scales makes ASPP particularly useful for applications that require a detailed understanding of spatial context.

4. Convolutional Recurrent Networks (ConvLSTM)

Convolutional recurrent networks (ConvLSTMs) exploit temporal dependencies between sequential satellite imagery, distinguishing between clouds and similar surface features by time evolution. By modifying the architecture to accept image sequences as inputs and inserting ConvLSTM cells into the U-Net’s encoder and decoder, more accurate and robust segmentation is achieved. ConvLSTMs are particularly effective at capturing temporal dynamics, making them ideal for applications that require the analysis of image sequences over time.

Data Considerations and Evaluation Metrics

The accuracy of segmentation models is highly dependent on the quality of the annotated datasets. Datasets with precise cloud and shadow masks are essential for training robust models. The availability of public datasets such as 38-Cloud and 95-Cloud makes it easy to evaluate and compare different approaches. These datasets offer a variety of atmospheric conditions and terrain types, improving the models’ ability to generalize to new data.

Public datasets such as 38-Cloud and 95-Cloud offer a wide variety of annotated images, allowing you to train and evaluate models on real-world data. These datasets include different weather conditions and terrain types, improving model generalization. The use of public datasets also makes it possible to compare the performance of models in a transparent and reproducible manner, facilitating the advancement of research in the field of satellite image segmentation.

Evaluation metrics such as Intersection over Union (IoU) and F1-score are critical to measuring the accuracy of segmentation patterns. These metrics allow you to evaluate the accuracy of your predictions and the model’s ability to distinguish between clouds, shadows, and other surface features. The use of standardized metrics makes it easy to compare different models and approaches, allowing you to identify the most effective solutions.

Edge accuracy, robustness to illumination variations, and the ability to generalize across multiple sensors are crucial aspects in evaluating segmentation patterns. Analyzing these aspects allows you to identify the strengths and areas for improvement of the models, guiding the development of more effective techniques. The ability to maintain high performance under different operating conditions is critical to the practical application of segmentation models.


In this article, we explored the main deep learning techniques for cloud and shadow segmentation, highlighting the advantages of fully convolutional networks (FCNs), U-Nets, ASPPs, and ConvLSTMs. These techniques offer advanced solutions to address the challenges posed by the presence of clouds and shadows in satellite imagery. The ability to capture intricate details and adapt to different conditions makes these techniques particularly effective.

Architectures such as FCN, U-Net and their variants with ASPP or ConvLSTM offer significant advantages in terms of accuracy and robustness. These techniques allow you to capture intricate details and adapt to different weather conditions and terrain types, improving segmentation accuracy. The flexibility and ability to generalize across different datasets make these architectures particularly useful for practical applications.

For further improvements, it is suggested to experiment with different functions of loss, data augmentation and backbone techniques. These elements can significantly affect the performance of your models, allowing you to optimize segmentation for specific applications. Continuous experimentation and innovation are essential to develop increasingly effective and robust models.

Advances in deep learning offer promising future prospects for more robust and accurate remote sensing applications. As techniques and architectures evolve, it will be possible to develop increasingly effective models that can address the challenges posed by the segmentation of clouds and shadows in satellite imagery.



Carlo C.
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Data scientist, avidly exploring ancient philosophy as a hobby to enhance my understanding of the world and human knowledge.