Demystifying GPT’s Money-Making Illusion: Unveiling the True Path to Profits

Magno Maciel
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
5 min readMay 11, 2023

The tale of easy money. Older than time, more relevant than ever.

(be cool, no catchy hints below)

The age-old tale of chasing easy money, forever embedded in our collective consciousness (do not agree? advice: skip this article now) and more relevant than ever.
[GPT enters the room]: the tempting genie promising to grant our financial wishes with a mere rub of the keyboard.

Picture this: a seemingly promising job offer that assures to you the glamorous title of “Professional Button Pusher” with an impressive hourly rate. But lo and behold, your role is reduced to mindlessly clicking “Generate” on GPT-created content all day, leaving you questioning your life choices and wondering if you’ve unwittingly become a human GPT appendage.

And let’s not forget those clickbait articles that promise to reveal the “One Secret Trick to Make Millions with GPT!” As you excitedly click through, you find yourself entangled in an endless maze of ads, surveys, and pop-ups, all while desperately searching for the elusive “secret” that seems to be hiding behind an infinite loop of internet distractions and cheesy small-money micro jobs.

The only thing you’ve earned so far is a headache and a bitter taste of disappointment.

Suspicious things looking suspicious ahn?

So, dear dreamers, let us not be fooled by the illusory whispers of effortless wealth. Instead, let’s embrace the truth that genuine prosperity (and career evolution) requires a pinch of skill, a dash of hard work, and a healthy dose of strategic decision-making. After all, even the mighty GPT can’t conjure success out of thin air.

Straight to the point:
If you are a:
- Digital marketer (content creator, writer, SEO spec.)
- Designer (photo/video editor, UI spec.)
- Educator (professional trainer, online mentor, language teacher)
- Financial advisor (financial planner, investment consultant)
- Legal (compliance, general attorney)
- Support/Sales Rep. (client support, SDR)
- Any other professional that sells “time-to-client” as a produt


GPT will NOT do your job for you (not in a near future).
Forget endless vacation and automatic cash inflow. (sorry)

Instead, GPT* will:
- Assist in generating new ideas when that “empty mind” moment occurs.
- Be your colleague to provide some creative inspiration (just ask “gimme some ideas on ____”).
- Drafting some initial content, which is highly useful to surpass the first-step barrier.
- Handle in a quick and smart (read: automated) way customer inquiries and provide personallized answers (probably more unique replies than what you actually do).
- Evaluate what you already done. Content review (not just spell check) at its best. Check your code/article/email/legal advice/proposal…
- Summarize large texts. In a hurry? Let it do the initial crunching.
- Compare and analyse different datasets. Humans are good to perceive visual patterns and AI is good with any patterns. Just ask.

*GPT as a single representative of different generative AI´s. You got it, right?

Internet says it. You shall believe it.

So now we are starting to scratch the surface. Let´s continue digging.

If GPT is a mighty tool by itself, imagine it as a turbocharger that can be installed and fine tuned into any motor. Follow me on this example for the personal financial industry:

Premise: Money is great. Manage it sucks.

Imagine having a personal financial platform (PFM) infused with the power of AI. It’s like having a second financial advisor 24/7 (the first one — the human — is not your slave!) who also happens to be a hilarious stand-up comedian.

Remember: People before numbers. No one disagrees with this.

Picture this: you log into your PFM and instead of complicated (boring) charts and numbers, you’re greeted with a witty AI assistant named Penny Wise. Penny Wise not only helps you track your expenses but also cracks jokes about your shopping habits.

“Whoa there, shopaholic! Your credit card is smoking from all those online purchases. Time to cool it down and give your wallet a break!”

And when you’re contemplating a questionable financial decision, Penny Wise jumps in with a clever remark:

“Hey, think twice before swiping that card. Do you really need another novelty kitchen gadget that will gather dust next to your dusty cookbook?”

And if you’re unsure about what to eat at the end of the day but have a feeling that your restaurant expenses have been a bit high this month, just ask Penny Wise. The response might be:

“Well, you still have room in your budget this month, but let’s not go overboard… the last time you went out for dinner was a bit extravagant (and I’m not just talking about the calories). Enjoy your fast food like there’s no tomorrow."

With AI injecting humor into personal financial platforms, managing your money becomes entertaining, engaging, and perhaps even a laughter-filled therapy session for your wallet. And why this is important? Money is great. Manage it sucks. Conversation styles and flavors will help breaking the boringness barrier to deal with your finances.

Are you more pragmatic?
No problem, AI will cut the bullsh*t and go straight to the point.

Are you more analytic?
Fantastic. AI will will flood you with the data&facts you love.

Don´t even know what´s your preferred conversational style?
AI will figure that out as well.

In this brave new era of technological marvels (LLM´s, Open Finance, blockchain, 5G, quantum computing, etc), AI emerges as the steadfast copilot, ready to navigate the vast realms of possibilities with you. It is not a mystical fortune-teller promising elusive millions, but a trusty companion, ever-present and ever-curious.

Together, you embark on a journey where AI empowers your services, elevating them to new heights. Consider AI as the enchanting artist, adding strokes of brilliance to your creations, infusing them with a touch of awe-inspiring innovation. Visualize it as the perceptive curator, sifting through mountains of data to unveil hidden insights, guiding you towards smarter decisions. And just when you think the adventure is over, AI reveals its most delightful secret: its ability to unlock the extraordinary within the ordinary.(ok, I´ll stop the Tolkien´s LoR style).

Keep calm and let AI charm, because it is about to rock the world, one byte at a time!



Magno Maciel
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Tech professional, but firstly a tech enthusiast.