Do you know ChatGPT has a temperature mode?

By: MidJourney

There is a really useful feature you probably don’t know about on ChatGPT.

It is a β€œtemperature setting”, and you use it to tweak creativity and consistency in responses.

In ChatGPT, the temperature is a parameter that controls the randomness of the model’s responses. When generating responses, the temperature setting influences the level of diversity and creativity in the output.

A lower temperature value, such as 0.2, makes the model more focused and deterministic, leading to more repetitive and conservative responses. On the other hand, a higher temperature value, such as 0.8, introduces more randomness, resulting in more diverse and exploratory responses from the model.

Low Temprature

0.1 β€” 0.4 Produces conservative, consistent, and precise answers.

Medium Temprature

0.5–0.7 A nice blend of creativity and accuracy.

High Temprature

0.8–1.0 ChatGpt gone wild. Creative, diverse, and unexpected responses.

So let’s see it in action.


