Guerrilla Marketing Case Study of PepsiCo and Results

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
2 min readOct 6, 2023

PepsiCo, one of the world’s leading food and beverage companies, has a rich history of innovative marketing campaigns. In this case study, we will delve into some of PepsiCo’s notable guerrilla marketing strategies, examining how they effectively engaged consumers and left a lasting impact.

1. Pepsi Max’s “Unbelievable Bus Shelter” Campaign

  • Objective: To promote Pepsi Max in a creative and memorable way.
  • Strategy: Pepsi Max created an augmented reality bus shelter in London. Commuters waiting for their buses were surprised by unbelievable scenarios, such as a tiger walking by or a meteor crashing nearby.
  • Results: The campaign went viral, garnering millions of views on social media platforms. It showcased Pepsi Max as a brand that provides unexpected and thrilling experiences.

2. Lay’s “Happiness Is Simple” Campaign

  • Objective: To connect Lay’s potato chips with moments of happiness.
  • Strategy: Lay’s set up simple, branded vending machines that accepted smiles as currency. Customers could “pay” for a bag of Lay’s chips with a smile, promoting the idea that happiness is simple and can be shared.
  • Results: The campaign received extensive media coverage and positive public sentiment. It associated Lay’s with positivity and joy.

3. Tropicana’s “Brighter Mornings” Campaign

  • Objective: To promote Tropicana’s orange juice as a part of a healthy morning routine.
  • Strategy: Tropicana set up a makeshift sun in a Toronto mall during the winter. As people touched the sun, they received a sample of Tropicana’s orange juice, emphasizing the idea of a “brighter morning” with Tropicana.
  • Results: The campaign generated buzz and word-of-mouth marketing. It highlighted Tropicana as a brand that brings sunshine to your morning.

4. Doritos’ “Crash the Super Bowl” Contest

  • Objective: To engage consumers and create Super Bowl advertising.
  • Strategy: Doritos invited consumers to create their own Doritos Super Bowl commercials. Winning ads were aired during the Super Bowl, and creators had a chance to win cash prizes.
  • Results: The campaign encouraged consumer engagement and generated a wealth of user-generated content. It effectively linked Doritos with one of the most-watched sporting events.


Nitin Mathur


