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How to Become an AI Professional?

Artificial intelligence, the most searched word in 2023, has taken over most of the things we do today.

AI can calculate complex calculations, design a diet plan for you and even recommend you TV shows.

AI can do a lot of things now, but have you ever thought of becoming an expert in AI field.

Here are few Technical skills that you would need to start leaning about AI.

  • Programming languages: Without Programming Language there’s no AI. As per my understanding, Python and R are the two most popular programming languages used for AI. Some other useful languages for AI includes C++, Java, and Scala.
  • Data science: A strong foundation in mathematics and statistics, because these are the basics of AI, is essential for understanding the theoretical concepts of Artificial Intelligence. AI and ML are all about data, so it’s important to understand things like statistics, machine learning. And how to show data in graphs and charts for visual representation.
  • Cloud computing: No Mandatory but recommended because most of the AI tools and platforms are cloud-based, so it is helpful to have some familiarity with cloud computing platforms. Famous cloud platforms are AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Problem Solving Skills: These bots are all about solving calculation, I mean really complex calculations. As an AI professional you should be able to solving complex problems. By complex, I do not mean to solve all those big mathematical equations, just focus on daily problems and try to solve them without anyone’s help.
  • Communication: Communication skills are not only required for AI but for every profession. This is bay far the most important and most ignored skill.

I hope this will help you to at least get started on your joinery to becoming an AI expert.

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