How to Hack ChatGPT-4o?

In a world filled with distractions, ChatGPT is your guiding light towards productivity and success. Let this AI companion help you stay focused, motivated, and inspired as you strive to accomplish your goals and become your best self.

Designed by Anish Singh Walia in Canva | Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the above as PDF

Did you know ChatGPT can be used to create ChatGPT prompts?

Yes, it’s called Reverse Prompting.

In this Guide learn how you can use ChatGPT to create top-notch prompts in two different ways.

Before we start, remember these pro tips…

  • It’s better to use ChatGPT alongside other selective AI productivity tools to maximize efficiency, creativity & daily productivity.
  • Use a handful of budget-friendly productivity and AI tools in conjunction with ChatGPT, such as Notion-AI(AI-Everything app), Miro(Free Visual Content Creation from text/chat tool), Quillbot(Grammarly’s more affordable and better version), and SaneBox(Free Email Management tool), which I personally use.
  • These tools are not only cost-effective but will also significantly boost your productivity, enabling you to excel in your day-to-day tasks.
  • Not happy with the output? Tweak these prompts slightly and try again, or ask it to improve its answer.
  • Good prompting skills will always benefit you, whether working with ChatGPT or any other LLM/Generative AI tool.

NOTE: To add more value and as a USP of my blog, at the end of this blog post, I have designed and attached a cheat sheet/carousel of the ChatGPT Prompts discussed here for you to use and save, share on LinkedIn with your friends and colleagues.

Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the download link(PDF) to the carousel right away & use/save it locally.

Also, I’ll share this month’s bonus tip of the best productivity tools that are cheap, effective, and a game changer for writers. I personally use, prefer, and insist you all try them. So do check them out and use them.

Here is the Bonus tip for you all:


Bonus Tip 1Miro is an AI-native app designed to streamline the process of brainstorming, organizing, and presenting ideas. It offers visual features like idea curation, mind mapping, freelance brainstorming, interactive visual storytelling, and concept mapping from just a prompt or text.

MIRO helps convert your notes, ideas, and structured essays into beautiful mind maps. It can create an easy-to-understand visual presentation from any idea or prompt.

Just enter a prompt, and you get a beautiful chart of your choice amongst the 2500+ free concept map templates. It makes me and my team understand everything faster,more efficient, and save a tonne of time.

I use it to create stunning mind maps, visual brainstorming, creating flowcharts and other presentations from my unorganized notes and ideas especially for my work, and studies.

This app has completely revolutionized the way I take notes and record my ideas, as someone who enjoys taking notes and jotting down every idea, this app is truly a game-changer.

Pricing: Freemium

I strongly recommend it to everyone. Definitely a must-have visual productivity tool in your list.

MIRO is truly your perfect day-to-day visual study/brainstorming/ideation buddy.

MIROBest Visual Productivity Tool for this Month


Bonus Tip 2: One great AI Everything Productivity/Task management tool I recently started using is Notion. Over the past few months, Notion has become famous and my absolute favorite.

If you are like me, Juggling work, daily tasks, notes, and projects is tough. Multiple tabs for email, Slack, and Google Docs make it overwhelming.

I personally use Notion AI, which streamlines everything in one place. It’s a game-changer, and you won’t regret using it.

I’ve been using its PRO version for a while now, and I must say, its been a complete game-changer for me. With almost every online co-working tool integration you can think of, it makes my daily work routine a breeze.

Plus, the pricing is unbeatable/cheapest for the tonnes of features it provides compared to all other all-in-one AI productivity tools I have used.

I have taken up the annual subscription for a mere $8/month(40% off).

Notion AI recently took on Google Docs and Microsft Office as per Forbes. Notion has continued to double down on Knowledge Management and AI, becoming an industry leader.

It is another awesome tool that is really dirt cheap, feature-rich, and value-for-money.

Best all-in-one AI Everything Productivity tool for this month

I really insist you go try the above tools out. Trust me, you won’t regret using these tools and will thank me later.

let’s get started and jump right into it —


  1. Type 1 technique
  2. Type 2 technique


Step 1) Use the below —

“Act like a ChatGPT prompting expert and tell me what ChatGPT prompt I should use if I want it to do [the task you need to get d one] for me.

The prompt should be clear, and it should start with an action word.

The prompt should include a role-play for [the task you need ChatGPT to do for you].

You should provide an output example [only if I asked for it] so I can see what would the result of the prompt look like.”

Note: Sometimes, ChatGPT (Especially the 3.5 version) misunderstands what a “Prompt” is. So, you can add the below part to your prompt for more context.

“A prompt is the text input you provide ChatGPT with to give you the results you asked for or to answer your questions.”

Step 2) The final prompt —

“Act like a ChatGPT prompting expert and tell me what ChatGPT prompt (A prompt is the text input you provide ChatGPT with to give you the results you asked for or to answer your questions.)

I should use it if I want it to do [the task you need to get done] for me.

The prompt should be clear, and it should start with an action word.

The prompt should include a role-play for [the task you need

ChatGPT to do for you].

You should provide an output example (only if I asked for it). so I can see what would the result of the prompt look like.”


Step 1) Ask ChatGPT for what you should provide so it can do [the task you want] for you.

“What should I provide ChatGPT with so it can do [the task you need in detail] for me?

Generate a list of 3–6 points I should provide to get the best results for my needed task.

Craft the points like a professional [the role needed for your task].”

Step 2) After the list of points is generated, use this prompt to turn them into an effective prompt.

“According to those points, if I want ChatGPT to do that task for me, how would the ChatGPT prompt look like?

(A prompt is the text input you provide ChatGPT with to give you the results you asked for or to answer your questions.).

Answer as a professional ChatGPT prompting expert according to the points you gave me.”

Step 3) After the prompt is generated, fill it with the information needed and hit the “Enter” button.



Congrats, you’ve now learned Reverse prompting. Use this hack to use chatgpt to create prompts.

I hope this ChatGPT hack will revolutionize your day-to-day tasks, boosting your productivity and saving you countless hours.

Awesome, you have reached the end and have already become smarter, more effective, and productive just by learning about these Prompts. The next step is to use them. Good luck!

Thanks for reading till here; if you liked my content and want to support me, the best way is —

  1. Follow Me 🔔, @anishsingh20 , On Medium 💛.
  2. Clap for the post 👍
  3. Connect With Me On LinkedIn, for a daily dose of valuable AI prompts, tools, guides, cheat sheets, and tips and tricks.
  4. Subscribe to my FREE Medium newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest AI tools and ChatGPT trends.

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Your support motivates me to keep researching, designing cheatsheets, and writing about such topics.

Here are other blog posts that I have written on similar topics that are definitely a must-save in your reading list:

Please take something of value from this blog post and this cheat sheet.

Let’s harness the power of AI and technology to create a better future.

The cheat sheet, use this, and keep it as a reference:

To get the below downloadable Prompts PDF for FREE

Follow me → Clap for this post → Comment “Send Prompts” on this post.📌

And I will send you the download link right away.

Designed by Anish Singh Walia in Canva | Comment “Send Prompts” on this post to get the download link



Anish Singh Walia
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

AI Educator | ChatGPT & Prompt Engineering Expert | Medium Top Writers(India) | 2M+ monthly views | Let's connect on LinkedIn-