How to Travel Through Time with AI: A Guide for Curious Minds

The Role of AI in Making Time Machines

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
5 min readAug 11, 2023


AI, Artificial intelligence, time machine, future, past, technology, science

Can AI make a time machine? This is a fascinating question that has intrigued many scientists and science fiction fans alike. A time machine is a hypothetical device that can transport a person or an object from one point in time to another, either to the past or to the future. But is such a device possible, and can artificial intelligence help us achieve it?

There are different ways to approach the question of time travel. One of them is based on the theory of relativity, developed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. According to this theory, time is not a fixed and universal quantity, but rather a relative and flexible one. Time can be affected by gravity and speed, and it can flow at different rates for different observers. For example, if you travel near the speed of light, or near a very massive object like a black hole, time will slow down for you compared to someone who stays on Earth. This means that when you return from your journey, you will have aged less than the person who stayed behind. This is called time dilation, and it has been experimentally confirmed by various experiments.

Time dilation implies that travelling to the future is possible, at least in principle. If you could build a spaceship that can accelerate to near-light speeds, or find a way to orbit around a black hole, you could jump ahead in time and see what the future holds. However, travelling to the past is much more problematic. There is no known physical mechanism that can reverse the flow of time or allow you to go back to an earlier point in history. Moreover, travelling to the past would raise paradoxes and contradictions, such as the grandfather paradox: what if you go back in time and kill your grandfather before he meets your grandmother? How would you exist in the first place?

Another way to approach the question of time travel is based on the concept of wormholes. Wormholes are hypothetical shortcuts in space-time that can connect two distant points in the universe. They are predicted by some solutions of Einstein’s equations, but they have never been observed or proven to exist. If wormholes do exist, they might also allow for time travel, depending on how they are formed and manipulated. For example, if one end of a wormhole is accelerated to near-light speeds or placed near a black hole, while the other end remains stationary, then there would be a difference in time between the two ends due to time dilation. This means that if you enter the wormhole from one end, you might emerge from the other end at a different point in time, either earlier or later.

AI, Artificial intelligence, time machine, future, past, technology, science

Wormholes might offer a way to travel to both the past and the future, but they also come with challenges and limitations. First of all, we don’t know if wormholes actually exist or how to create them artificially. Second, even if they do exist, they might be very unstable and collapse as soon as something tries to pass through them. Third, even if they are stable, they might be very small and inaccessible to human travellers. Fourth, even if they are large and accessible, they might still be subject to paradoxes and causality violations, such as meeting yourself or changing history.

The Big Question

So far, we have discussed some theoretical possibilities for time travel based on physics and mathematics. But what about artificial intelligence? Can AI help us build a time machine or explore different eras of history? The answer is yes, but not in the way you might expect. AI cannot make a physical time machine that can transport us to another point in time, but it can make a virtual one that can simulate what we might see or experience if we could travel in time.

One example of such a virtual time machine is a new tool developed by MyHeritage, a genealogy company that uses AI to enhance old photos and videos of people’s ancestors. The tool is called AI Time Machine, and it allows users to upload their own photos and see what they would look like in different historical periods and cultures³. The tool uses text-to-image technology based on Stable Diffusion, which is an AI model that can generate realistic images from natural language descriptions⁴. The tool then applies various themes and filters to the generated images to match the chosen era and style.

AI Time Machine is not a scientific tool that can accurately recreate historical scenes or costumes, but rather a fun and creative one that can spark curiosity and imagination among users. It can also be used for educational purposes, as it can help users learn more about different aspects of history and culture⁵. The tool has become popular on social media platforms like TikTok, where users share their results with their followers.

AI Time Machine is just one example of how AI can create virtual simulations of different times and places. Other examples include AI models that can generate realistic images of historical figures, landscapes, buildings, artworks, and more. These models can also be combined with other technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, or holograms, to create immersive experiences that can transport users to different worlds.

AI can also help us learn more about the past by analyzing historical data and documents, such as archives, records, maps, newspapers, books, and more. AI can help us extract information, find patterns, make connections, and discover new insights from these sources. AI can also help us preserve and restore historical artefacts, such as paintings, sculptures, manuscripts, monuments, and more. AI can help us detect damages, remove noise, enhance details, and reconstruct missing parts from these artefacts.

AI, Artificial intelligence, time machine, future, past, technology, science

AI can also help us predict the future by modelling complex systems and scenarios, such as climate change, epidemics, economics, politics, and more. AI can help us simulate the possible outcomes and consequences of different actions and decisions, and help us optimize our strategies and policies. AI can also help us explore the unknown and the possible, such as space exploration, alien life, alternative realities, and more.


In conclusion, AI cannot make a physical time machine that can transport us to another point in time, but it can make a virtual one that can simulate what we might see or experience if we could travel in time. AI can also help us learn more about the past, predict the future, and explore the unknown. AI is not a magic wand that can solve all our problems or grant all our wishes, but it is a powerful tool that can expand our horizons and enrich our lives.

(1) Zdnet
(2) BBC News.
(3) PetaPixel.
(4) Business Insider
(5) Newsweek.



𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

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