How will your story begin?

Story Lines: NFT collection creation process

I am aiming for a collection drop that will include the maximum number of NFT’s that is allowed, ten thousand. For a long time I have desired to create a deck of tarot cards and have spent a lot of time designing their aesthetic. Over the past week I have created figures/bodies/models/dummies or however you want to refer to them.

complex body examples

I then have evolved them into more complexity by combining or blending their qualities with other pieces of art I have either created in the past or created for this project. Once they reach a certain level I will move on to a new topic. The way I am currently planning to create the NFTs will be to take a basic body and blend it with a more complex body while at the same time adding in the prompt for the tarot card aesthetic.

Each of the major arcana (their are 22 of them) can come up either upright or reversed and have different ways to interpret the cards because of this. So I have added extra information to the prompt to represent whether this particular card will be upright or reversed by adding weights to different portions of the prompt. Currently the 2 images are both at 100%, the tarot basic meaning is at 200%, the way the card is facing is 150%, and the way the card is not facing is 50%, and lastly the aesthetic of the card is at 100%.

This results in 2 blends, using the same seed to allow for the only differences being the change in weights of card positioning, which each produce a set of 4 cards, or eight in total. This means for every possible pairing of body + complex + tarot there will be 8 nft’s produced.

If we take 10000 and divide it by 8 we end up at 1250 combinations needed. If we have 10 basic bodies, and 125 complex bodies, we end up with the 1250 combinations needed. When the tarot style and card positioning is applied we end up at the total nft size of 10000 individual unique pieces of digital art.

While performing this experiment and writing this article, MidJourney was upgraded to version 5.2 offering some powerful new tools in zoom and variance strength as well as an overhaul to the stylize command. I have gone through and added a 2x zoom and a 1.5x zoom to each group as well as a high and low variance reroll. (I will catalog this in another article)

basic body + complex body

The basic body on the left above is blended with the complex body on the right to produce two sets of four images below. The left set of four is the upright tarot card while the right set of four represents the reversed tarot definition. All other parameters are held constant.

upright vs reversed magician tarot

Next I am going to change to a new complex body to show how that changes the situation while continuing to hold all other variables constant.

basic body + complex body
upright vs reversed magician tarot

It is a very slight change I make to the weights of 5 words out of around 80 words in total per prompt. That is why the change is not huge, but it is present. I realize now that I was not factoring in the 22 arcana combinations on each combination and was only doing it once per combination.

The revised numbers are 5 basic bodies crossed with 12 complex bodies crossed 22 times with the major arcana crossed twice for the upright vs reversal.

total combinations of basic and complex body

5x12 = 60

total combinations of the above + major arcana

60 * 22 =1320

total nfts total combinations of the above + card facing direction

1320 * 8 = 10560

I have designed over 1000 bodies so this 60 number is not making me very happy. I think I will let the computer randomly assign one of the 22 arcana to each combination at the time of creation, which gives me 22 back that i can use in either basic or complex body use.

10 basic bodies x 132 complex = 1320 combinations

each get 1 major arcana assigned

1320 x 8 = 10560 total nfts

This is probably more likely. But I will continue to mess with the numbers as I move forward.

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ArtfullyPrompt - Nathan Cash
π€πˆ 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐀𝐬.𝐒𝐨

A creative explorer living outside the box, eternally exploring the spaces between. Using my trauma in the healthiest way possible and others along the way.