I just started following more AI experts on Twitter. They are dumber than you think.

I wonโ€™t mince words.

My Gut tells me AI must be banned. I donโ€™t see another way out. How can humans align with an artificial intelligence far superior to our own? I canโ€™t even align with my toaster.

Look, Iโ€™m not a computer scientist. Iโ€™m just a grunt teacher, so I have no business weighing in on the opinion of Yann LeCun, NYU Professor of Machine Learning, Chief AI Scientist at Meta, and Turing Award Laureate. My lowly Bachelor of Education from Who Gives A Fuck University is just a fart in the wind compared to this manโ€™s accomplishments.

So why do I find this tweet so stupid?


You donโ€™t align with superintelligence; you bow to it.

How do I know that?

Etymology. When you have superintelligence in one corner and human in the other, bet on the one with the prefix super. I still canโ€™t figure out how the hell Batman beat Superman though.


I assume Monsieur LeCunโ€™s point here is that a superintelligent AI would not be interested in trying to control us. Well, gee whiz Yann, thatโ€™s quite an assumption with MASSIVE consequences if you are off base.

GPT4 and other AI software are already online. They are now connected to the computer on my desk, the phone in your pocket, and the Wifi radio waves around our earth. The stakes have gotten way too high for us to accept this kind of hubris. Dire warnings and apocalyptic predictions are warranted, especially when people this short-sighted are pushing this world-devouring timebomb forward.

