It’s Getting Easier to Make AI Money In Bitcoin & Ethereum
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
2 min readAug 10, 2023

I’ve had friends make over $6,000 in a single week using this method, which is kinda mindblowing.

Frankly speaking, I can’t even dream of making this amount; but I know i’d be able to reach it one day. It is impossible for me or anyone else reading this right now not to reach it if we keep instilling the same amount of insane effort we produce every single day — this, ofcourse, assumes you’re as productive as me, releasing 4 new articles onto publish0x each and every single day. I know, i know, I’m very productive….I’ll likely make a post showing what I do apart from publish0x blog writing, very soon. (Might even start my own blog site?)

Regardless, you’ve come here to learn how to make the big bucks. I’ve only ever made 4,000$ a month using this method, so that’s what I can teach you to do.

Let’s get right into it.

1 — Get an account on CPAGRIP. Get an account here.

2 — Go to ChatGPT. Ask it to create interesting facts you can then reproduce using and free clips from — as publish0x advertises for all their publishers.

3 — Find a suitable ad from cpagrip and then base your new tiktok video off of it. Yes, we’re using tiktok. Pexel videos are short, go onto canva and make a tiktok video based off of your selected ad and make sure you ask chatgpt for interesting facts surrounding your specific ad.

4 — Now, the next thing is to go onto linktree and make a new page listing your adverts as catchy websites users can visit. If you need 10k followers on tiktokt to post links, i’d suggest you just post the link in comments and then pin your comment. it’s easier as well and more likely to get you more engagement.

5- post the video and relax. Rinse, repeat, and watch your money grow. Use multiple ads if possible.



𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

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