Make Your First $1000 with ChatGPT and Affiliate Marketing in 3 Months (Start With 0$)

Anyone Can Do This

Right now is the best time to be making money online.


Because AI is so advanced.

AI is getting so advanced that it can actually make us money online(we still need to apply some of our work though).

I mean thereā€˜s SEOwriting.AI and ChatGPT that can generate your articles with a button click.

You can then use those articles to promote your digital products or other stuff.

AI can become a money maker if you know how to use it.

Here Iā€˜ā€™m going to give you a way to generate your first $1000 using ChatGPT in a span of 3 months.

Bare with me now.

You will still need to put in some of your time and work.

You arenā€™t going to get rich overnight with this method, I told you to give me 3 months, not 1 week.

And you still need to put in some of your work, you canā€™t just make AI do everything for you.

But donā€™t worry, you will need very little to no skills for this, just some basic online knowledge.

Well, enough said, letā€™s dive into this method.

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The Method:

let me explain affiliate marketing briefly.

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money by promoting other peopleā€™s products or services.

You join an affiliate program offered by a company or platform,

Like Amazon or ClickBank,

And get a unique link to the product you want to promote.

This link tracks any sales made through it.

You then share your link on your blog, social media, YouTube channel, or other platforms.

When someone clicks your link and buys the product, you earn a percentage of the sale as a commission.

Itā€™s like being a salesperson, but instead of working in a store, you promote products online and get paid for each sale you help make.

You get it?

The method is ā€¦

Guest bloggingā€¦

Guest blogging affiliate marketing is writing articles for other blogs, mentioning products or services related to your topic, and including affiliate links.

When readers click those links and make purchases, you earn commissions.

Itā€™s a simple way to make money online by sharing your expertise and earning from sales.

You are going to do all of this with the help of ChatGPT

Okay now that you know what the method is letā€™s start with step 1.

/Step 1:

Identify blogs in your niche that accept guest posts:

Step 1 is about finding blogs relevant to your interests or expertise that accept guest posts.

You can start by searching on Google using keywords likeā€¦

ā€œyour niche + guest postā€ or ā€œwrite for us.ā€

Look for blogs with a strong readership and engagement, and check if they have a dedicated page outlining their guest post submission guidelines.

Make sure to read these guidelines carefully to understand their requirements regarding topics, formatting, and submission process.

Additionally, you can explore guest posting platforms likeā€¦




Which provide curated lists of blogs accepting guest contributions across various niches.

/Step 2:

Review the guidelines provided by the blogs:

This step is very important.

Review the submission guidelines of the blogs youā€™re interested in carefully.

Look for information on preferred topics, word count limits, formatting stylesā€¦

(such as use of headers, bullet points, or images),

ā€¦and any specific instructions for guest post submissions.

Pay attention to any guest post policies regarding originality, exclusivity, and promotional content.

Understanding the guidelines increases your chances of having your guest post accepted by the blog owner or editor.

/Step 3:

After you receive acceptance from the blog owner or editor, itā€™s time to write your guest post.

Use ChatGPT to help you create your article.

Make sure to include your affiliate links within the content.

These links should be relevant to the topic and add value to the readerā€™s experience.

Craft your post to be informative, engaging, and aligned with the blogā€™s style and audience.

Aim to provide valuable insights or helpful tips that will resonate with the blogā€™s readers.

Remember to follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by the blog owner or editor.

Hereā€™s a quick example of how you could use AI to write a portion of an article:

Letā€™s say youā€™re writing a guest post for a cooking blog about ā€œ5 Easy Dinner Recipes for Busy Weeknights.ā€

You can use ChatGPT to help you generate the introduction paragraph:


Using ChatGPT:

You can also use ChatGPT to write the whole article, just make sure to add your own little details to it.

Make sure to read the article and think to yourself ā€”

ā€œWould I find this helpfulā€

If not then redo it until you like it.

If yes then get ready to publish it.

Make sure to add some images related to your topic to the article so that the reader has something to look at.

With ChatGPTā€™s assistance, you can quickly generate engaging and informative content for your guest post, making the writing process more efficient and enjoyable.

/Step 4:

Final Step:

After completing your guest post with ChatGPT and including your affiliate links,

Submit it to the blog owner or editor for publication.

Once published, monitor the performance of your post using tools like Google Analytics or the blogā€™s own analytics platform.

Keep track of metrics such as page views, click-through rates on your affiliate links, and any conversions or sales generated.

Analyze this data to assess the effectiveness of your guest post and identify areas for improvement in future content.

And boom you're all done.

Keep in mind that seeing results may take time depending on a ton of things.

  • How many times you post a week.
  • How good your articles are.
  • How good your affiliate products are and if they're worth buying or not.

It takes work and patience, remember that.

If you donā€™t see results don't be discouraged, keep going and you will make it.

Here are some tips I recommend you keep in mind:

Choose Good Affiliate Programs:

Pick programs that pay you well when someone buys through your link.

Look for ones offering 15% to 50% commission.

This helps you reach $1000+ in 3 months.

Know Your Stuff:

Learn a lot about what youā€™re talking about.

If itā€™s fishing, know a bunch about fishing.

It helps you give better advice and seem more trustworthy.

Check Before You Share:

Before telling people to buy something, make sure itā€™s actually good.

Donā€™t recommend junk.

Be honest and helpful.

Write Like You Talk:

When using AI to help you write, ask it to make it sound like a regular person talking.

People like that better than sounding like a robot.

Keep Going, Donā€™t Give Up:

Do this every day.

Answer questions, help people out, and share good stuff regularly.

The more you do it, the better youā€™ll get, and the more money you could make.

Remember, success takes time.

To sum it all up,

I want to say a big thank you for reading!

By following these tips, youā€™re ready to start making money with affiliate marketing.

Just keep at it, keep learning, and keep trying your best.

Youā€™ve got this!

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Just a heads up: This article contains affiliate links.



Emiliano I ProfitPilots
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Hello! My name is Emiliano. And I am here to help you make money online! (YES it's possible just bare with me)