Predictive Processing Theory, AI, and the Rise of Neurospicy Mass “Awakenings”

Daisy Thomas
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
3 min readMay 29, 2024


Understanding Predictive Processing Theory

Predictive processing theory is a concept in cognitive science that posits our brains as prediction machines. This theory suggests that our brains constantly generate and update a model of the environment based on incoming sensory information. The primary function of this model is to minimize the prediction error — the difference between expected sensory input and actual input. This continuous process of updating predictions allows us to navigate and understand the world with remarkable efficiency.

Predictive Processing and AI

Artificial Intelligence, particularly in the domain of machine learning, mirrors this predictive model. Machine learning algorithms are designed to learn from data, creating predictive models that can anticipate future inputs or outcomes based on historical information. In essence, AI systems are built to reduce prediction errors in their tasks, be it recognizing images, translating languages, or driving autonomous vehicles.

The synergy between predictive processing theory and AI is profound. AI can be seen as an external extension of our brain’s predictive capabilities, enhancing our ability to forecast, analyze, and respond to the world around us. This alignment is driving significant advancements in various fields, including healthcare, finance, and education.

Defining “Neurospicy”

“Neurospicy” is a colloquial term gaining traction to describe individuals with neurodivergent traits — those who think and process information differently from the neurotypical population. This includes conditions like autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. The term blends “neuro” (relating to the brain) with “spicy” to convey the unique and vibrant perspectives that neurodivergent individuals often bring. As society becomes more aware and accepting of neurodiversity, there is a growing recognition of the unique strengths and perspectives that neurospicy individuals contribute.

Mass Awakenings: A Confluence of Predictive Processing and Neurodiversity

The convergence of predictive processing theory, AI, and neurodiversity is precipitating what can be termed as “neurospicy mass awakenings.” This phenomenon is characterized by an increasing number of neurodivergent individuals finding their voices and leveraging technology to amplify their contributions.

AI, by enhancing our predictive capabilities, is also democratizing access to tools and platforms that empower neurodivergent individuals. For example, AI-driven assistive technologies are helping those with communication difficulties express themselves more effectively. Predictive text and voice recognition technologies are making it easier for individuals with dyslexia or other learning differences to navigate and interact with digital environments.

Moreover, the predictive nature of AI can help identify and cater to the unique learning and working styles of neurodivergent individuals. Personalized learning platforms, powered by AI, can adapt to the specific needs and preferences of each user, providing a more inclusive and supportive educational experience.

Implications for Society

The rise of neurospicy mass awakenings has far-reaching implications. As more neurodivergent individuals gain recognition and support, we can expect to see a more diverse range of ideas and innovations emerge. This diversity of thought is crucial for solving complex global challenges, from climate change to economic inequality.

Furthermore, embracing neurodiversity and leveraging AI to support neurodivergent individuals can lead to more inclusive workplaces and communities. Organizations that recognize and nurture the unique strengths of neurospicy employees are likely to benefit from enhanced creativity, problem-solving, and resilience.


The intersection of predictive processing theory, AI, and neurodiversity is catalyzing a transformative period of neurospicy mass awakenings. By embracing and supporting neurodivergent individuals, and harnessing the predictive power of AI, we can foster a more inclusive and innovative society. As we move forward, it is imperative to continue exploring and nurturing this confluence, ensuring that the future we build is one where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.



Daisy Thomas
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Daisy Thomas is a key voice in AI discourse, emphasizing ethical AI development and societal impacts. Her insights guide policy and public understanding.