The Clash Between Hollywood, AI, and Creativity

Kavindu Hansaka
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
3 min readNov 12, 2023

The intersection of technology and entertainment has hit a nerve within the creative community, sparking a fiery debate over the use of artificial intelligence in filmmaking. Justine Bateman, renowned actress, writer, and filmmaker, has taken a vocal stand against the AI provisions outlined in the recent tentative agreement between SAG-AFTRA and major studios.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Bateman’s dissent revolves around the inclusion of generative AI in the production process, particularly its potential to replace human actors with synthetic counterparts. She vehemently opposes this trajectory, asserting that it undermines the very essence of the film industry, eroding the human touch essential in storytelling.

Her concerns echo a larger fear within the industry: the rapid encroachment of AI, threatening to supplant human creativity with synthetic, AI-generated content. In her recent conversation with MSNBC, Bateman emphasized her steadfast commitment to preserving the human element in filmmaking, rallying against the notion of utilizing AI to replicate actors and human characters.

Central to her argument is the belief that the extensive use of generative AI will not only displace human actors but also disrupt the intricate web of talent comprising film crews, writers, editors, and artists. Her stark warning seems to be a call to action, urging both industry professionals and audiences to reevaluate the implications of AI-driven entertainment.

Bateman’s contention with the SAG-AFTRA agreement is rooted in the potential erosion of creative control and the fundamental rights of actors. Her passionate plea for members to scrutinize the clauses pertaining to AI highlights the risk of ceding artistic autonomy and the emergence of what she terms as ‘synthetic performers.’

While the specifics of the contract remain undisclosed, Bateman’s articulate and vehement stance against the potential use of generative AI to create synthetic actors underscores the gravity of this issue. Her unwavering dedication to maintaining the human essence in filmmaking stands as a rallying cry for the preservation of authentic, human-driven storytelling.

Photo by julien Tromeur on Unsplash

As the entertainment industry hurtles toward a future increasingly entwined with technological advancements, the clash between creativity and AI seems poised to intensify. Justine Bateman’s fierce resistance against the encroachment of AI in film serves as a compelling prompt for a deeper exploration of the ethical and creative implications of such advancements within the realm of entertainment.

The industry at large now faces a critical juncture, prompted by Bateman’s passionate plea: a choice between embracing the allure of AI-driven efficiency or safeguarding the very soul of storytelling — the human touch. The decision made today may significantly shape the future landscape of entertainment and the rights of those driving its narrative.

