The Shift Toward Natural AI: Dr. John Henry Clippinger on Active Inference and the Future of AI

Spatial Web AI Podcast interviews Dr. John Henry Clippinger, on the shift away from Deep Learning toward Active Inference


On January 30,2024, Denise Holt of Spatial Web AI was joined by Dr. John Henry Clippinger, co-founder of BioForm Labs, research scientist for the MIT Lab City Sciences group, and Founding Advisor for the Active Inference Institute.

I recently wrote an article, β€œTurning Point in AI β€” Leaders Rally for a Natural AI Initiative,” about a roundtable discussion sparked by a pivotal Letter signed by 25 neuroscientists, biologists, physicists, policy makers, AI researchers, entrepreneurs, and directors of research labs on a joint initiative proposing a radical rethinking of AI’s trajectory, in which scientists advocated for a shift away from the current deep learning paradigm, calling for a more natural approach to AI based on Active Inference.

Dr. Clippinger was a key figure in orchestrating that Letter, and I had the pleasure of interviewing him on my Spatial Web AI Podcast to discuss the significance of Active Inference and the move towards a more natural, principled AI, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and a deeper understanding of intelligence.




The Motivation Behind the Letter: Addressing Misframing in the Public Narrative

Clippinger revealed that the inspiration for the letter stemmed from a growing concern over the misframing of AI in the public narrative. He observed that certain parties were exploiting this misframing to push their own business models and agendas. The letter aimed to provide an alternative, science-based perspective on the biological foundations of AI and to engage a broader community in this critical conversation.

The response to the letter was overwhelmingly positive, resonating with individuals across various disciplines. John stressed the importance of involving policymakers, technologists, and the general public in discussions about the development and regulation of AI technologies. By fostering open dialogue and collaboration, we can work towards creating AI systems that align with human values and societal needs.

Redefining Intelligence and Challenging Extreme Claims About AGI

One of the key issues addressed in the letter is the need to redefine our understanding of intelligence. Clippinger noted that extreme claims regarding the emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are often based on misguided comparisons to human minds and do not consider the diverse forms of cognition found in nature.

He emphasized that intelligence should be understood as a spectrum, with various forms manifesting in different substrates. By broadening our perspective on intelligence, we can develop AI systems that complement and enhance human capabilities rather than attempting to replicate or replace them.

The Importance of Digital Twins and Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Dr. Clippinger highlighted the growing significance of digital twins and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration in AI development. Digital twins, which are virtual representations of physical systems, can serve as powerful tools for understanding and optimizing complex processes, from individual organisms to entire cities.

By bringing together experts from various fields, including computational neuroscience, biology, physics, and social sciences, we can create more accurate and comprehensive digital twins. These models can help us address pressing global challenges, such as climate change, by enabling more informed decision-making and facilitating the development of effective solutions.

Laying a Testable Foundation for AI Development

To ensure the responsible development of AI technologies, John emphasized the importance of establishing a testable foundation based on scientific principles. He noted that current Deep Learning models often lack a solid scientific basis and are developed without clear performance standards or evaluation criteria.

Clippinger discussed his collaboration with experts, including Dr. Karl Friston, Chief Scientist at VERSES AI, to lay down a framework for AI development that is grounded in the principles of computational neuroscience, biology, and physics. By creating AI systems that are transparent, explainable, and auditable, we can foster trust and accountability in the development and deployment of these technologies.

Collective Mental Health and Extended Cognition in the Context of Natural Intelligence

During the interview, John and Denise explored the concepts of collective mental health and extended cognition in relation to natural intelligence. John suggested that by understanding the biological foundations of intelligence, we can gain insights into the factors that contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities.

Dr. Clippinger envisioned a future where AI systems, designed according to the principles of natural intelligence, could support and enhance collective mental health. By extending our cognitive capabilities and facilitating more effective communication and collaboration, these systems could help us address social and environmental challenges more effectively.

Exploring Human-Machine Interaction Dynamics and Creating Meaningful Interactions

As AI systems become more sophisticated and integrated into our daily lives, the nature of human-machine interactions will evolve. Clippinger discussed the potential for AI systems based on natural intelligence to develop more symbiotic relationships with their human counterparts, adapting to individual needs and preferences while maintaining transparency and explainability.

He speculated on the development of synthetic languages that could facilitate more effective communication between humans and machines. These languages, emerging from the interactions between AI systems and their users, could enable more nuanced and contextually relevant exchanges, leading to more meaningful and productive collaborations.

Elevating Conversations and Bridging Different Groups Through Communication Initiatives

Clippinger emphasized the importance of communication initiatives in elevating conversations about AI and bridging different groups. He discussed his efforts to bring together researchers, technologists, policymakers, and the general public to discuss the development and regulation of AI technologies.

By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge sharing, we can work towards a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by AI. These conversations can help inform the development of ethical frameworks and regulatory guidelines that ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

Embracing a Natural, Interdisciplinary Approach to AI

John Henry Clippinger’s interview offers a compelling vision for the future of AI, one that is grounded in the principles of natural intelligence and emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. His insights, along with the groundbreaking work of Dr. Karl Friston and VERSES AI, underscore the need for a fundamental shift in our approach to AI development. By embracing Active Inference and First Principles AI, we can create AI systems that are more efficient, adaptable, and transparent than current Deep Learning models.

As we move towards an increasingly AI-driven future, it is crucial that we prioritize scientific principles, interdisciplinary collaboration, and public discourse in shaping the development of these technologies. Only by working together can we ensure that AI serves as a tool for empowerment and progress, rather than a source of existential risk or centralized control.

Moving forward, it is crucial that we prioritize communication initiatives that foster open dialogue and knowledge sharing among diverse groups. By working together to shape the future of AI, we can harness the potential of these technologies to support collective mental health, extend human cognition, and create more meaningful human-machine interactions.

The shift towards Natural AI represents not only a technological breakthrough but also a philosophical and ethical imperative. By grounding AI in the principles that govern life itself, we can create systems that enhance rather than replace human intelligence, ultimately leading to a more sustainable, equitable, and beneficial future for all.

Special thank you to Dr. John Henry Clippinger for being on our show!

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