The Triad of SensAI GPTโ€™s

StorySensAI, SummarySensAI and ConceptSensAI

So recently, I introduced paid subscriptions on my Substack and sent out a newsletter explaining why. Here, we will focus on the Triad of writing SensAIโ€™s. A play on them being your writing, Sensei.

After that newsletter, I worked on my SensAI GPTs and upgraded them to V 2.0. Iโ€™ve enhanced security to protect my GPTs and your data.

Any stories or story concepts you enter into my GPTs will not be stored or used in any way to contribute to any AI training. As I will demonstrate in the video, as you are logged in, it wonโ€™t even release or remember any information about the story you just finished using in any of the GPTs. It has no access to it to give it to you. If you insist or trigger any other security protocols. Well, you will see what will happen.

As a writer myself, I take this very seriously. So much so that you canโ€™t use these GPTs to write a story, rewrite your story or even give you a story concept. These GPTs are specifically crafted for a set purpose. I have spent close to a year working on these. Refining the process and making them as accurate and realistic in the output as I could. The last bit was a challenge that I will explain.

How did this start? I read a medium article by a writer discussing the current review process for writersโ€™ works, specifically on Amazon. We all have experienced or had a friend who has experienced unfair and ridiculous reviews. Worse, the trollโ€ฆ

