This is one 14-year-old math genius you should listen to

NVIDIA was the best-performing large publicly listed asset of the past decade. It has increased by around 6000%. I never know what that means. Just knock off a couple of zeroes; the answer is 60 times.

If you had bought $1,000 worth in January 2013, it would now be worth $60,000. Impressive.

Let me repeat. This was the best-performing large publicly listed asset in the world.

Another asset increased by around 177,000% in the same time. Your $1,000 investment would be worth $1.77m. Thatโ€™s nearly 30 times more than NVIDIA.

Who knows what will happen in the future? I donโ€™t. This asset just celebrated its 14th birthday. That is not a very long time.

Invest or donโ€™t invest โ€” none of my business. But get beyond the headlines, and something unprecedented is going on.

The most remarkable thing about this asset is that it is not owned or controlled by anyone. There is no board, CEO, head office, phone number, email address, website, marketing team, or marketing budget โ€” not even a single employee.

This asset can be bought or sold 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Most assets can only be traded on weekdays. If lousy news happens at night, on the weekend or a Public Holiday, you must wait. But donโ€™t worry, the big boys (and they are mostly boys) can trade outside of regular hours, so they are fine.

Once bought, this asset can be stored safely on a device like a USB or even, in an emergency, memorized in your head so you can cross a border safely. Nobody would know that you were carrying your entire wealth in your brainbox.

You can see every trade ever made in a public register but not the names of the people who made them. Itโ€™s a bit like cash, anonymous but traceable.

Unlike normal shares, you can purchase or sell any fraction of this asset up to 100 millionth of a unit, depending on your budget. When company shares get too expensive, they often split them to make the cost easier for their market. That makes it harder to know the actual change over the long term. You must know that it split, when it split, and what the multiple is. This asset doesnโ€™t do splits.

If you decide to buy or sell, you can do so in seconds with anyone worldwide for fractions of a cent. You donโ€™t even need a bank account. Everyone everywhere can play. Nobody can tell you that you arenโ€™t allowed, for whatever reason.

This asset is still largely unknown, maligned, and seriously misunderstood.

But now, large publicly traded institutions, including Google, Blackrock, and Fidelity, are starting to invest in this asset.

The person who invented it deserves the Nobel prize, but they are certainly far too intelligent to turn up and collect it. They are worth $23B today, but they have never spent a cent.

Oh, and did I mention that it is incredibly environmentally friendly? The maintenance of this asset consumes a lot of electricity. So, the companies involved use cheap power sources and other clever tricks. Within a few years, it may be the first carbon-neutral industry.

Isnโ€™t it worth you peering beyond the fear, uncertainty, and doubt and looking for yourself?

Itโ€™s the Bitcoin network.

Happy birthday Bitcoin

Bitcoin is an incredible invention that runs on cryptography and game theory to ensure its security.

For centuries our money system has been founded on chemistry. Gold is virtually indestructible and unforgeable. Now our money will be based on math โ€” virtually indestructible and unforgeable. Which do you think will win if you have to choose between chemistry and math? Hint: Math.

Do you begin to see what the fuss is about? Itโ€™s the first new asset class in four centuries.

But be clear. There is bitcoin and everything else under the loose heading of crypto. Nothing in crypto has all these attributes and values. Nothing.

And if you do buy some, do store it on a hardware device. You will save yourself the angst of trusting someone else who goes bankrupt, or who justโ€ฆ goes.

You also protect the price because some naughty ruffians lend your bitcoin out to others, sometimes without telling you, thus artificially inflating the supply. Your bitcoin is now just an IOU. Itโ€™s not yours. The more supply, the cheaper it is, and the less likely they will give it back to you when you ask โ€” double trouble.

Our free course at will show you some tips on keeping your bitcoin safe, including a hidden feature of Bitcoin never published before.

