Use ChatGPT To Make You Money, Use This AI Method To Generate $100+ A Week Online.

All You Need Is WiFi, a Laptop, And Patience


We all heard of ChatGPT right.

I mean ChatGPT4o is blowing up on the internet right now.

So why not use this free AI tool to make you money online?

I know what you are thinking, that this another one of those bs AI methods that is supposedly going to make your $1000 a week.

I assure you this method does work if you put in the work and time.

All you need is:


A laptop,



Hard work,

And Patience.

Now let me share with you this AI money making method.

1/ Sign up to an affiliate program that promotes AI software.


You are going to affiliate programs that specifically promote AI software.


AI tools are trending worldwide right now.

Since they are trending, we should jump on the trend and make money of it.

Some affiliate programs that offer AI tools are:

  • Warriorplus
  • Digistore24

You can also find individual AI software that have affiliate programs for example,

Quillbot offers an Affiliate program:

Once you get accepted to any affiliate products it’s time to create the content and start driving traffic to your links.

2/ Create Engaging Content Using ChatGPT

Now the fun part.


You are going to sign up to these platforms:



Notice something?

You write in each one, you don’t have to create videos in order to drive traffic to your links.

So, if you don’t like showing your face or using your voice this is a bonus for you.

Once you sign up to them you are going to write AI related content.

/ Write AI Tool reviews on Medium:

Sign up to Medium as a writer.

You are going to post AI reviews on this platform.

Here is how you are going to start,

If you don’t anything about the AI tool, go on the internet and search other reviews on the same product, copy the information and give it to ChatGPT.

Then ask it to generate you AI tool review.

Don’t forget to include a call-to-action (CTA) in your Medium articles, directing readers to check out the AI tools you’ve reviewed via your affiliate link.

This helps support your work and encourages readers to explore the tools further.

If you would like, ask ChatGPT to write you a CTA for you. I recommend adding the CTA at the end of the article.

You are going to post that review on Medium.

And boom you're done.

I have an example if you want to see it →

Now let’s head over to reddit.

/What you are going to write on Reddit:

The whole idea is to use Reddit to promote your medium article, since reddit doesn’t like when you post direct affiliate links.

That’s why we are going to lead them to our article where our affiliate link is located.

Here is what you will do.


locate subreddits where discussions about AI tools are active.


Carefully review each subreddit’s rules to ensure your post aligns with them.

Craft a catchy title that clearly explains how your article promotes helpful AI tools.

After that,

briefly introduce yourself and explain why your article is beneficial for those interested in AI tools.

You can do all of this using the help of ChatGPT

Encourage readers to explore your article for more details. ← this is important.

(The articles are going to come from Medium.)

Engage with commenters to answer questions and participate in discussions.

Monitor your post’s performance and adjust your approach as needed.


consider posting updates or additional articles to keep the community informed about new AI tools and features.

Always prioritize providing value to the community and abide by subreddit rules.

That’s it

That is the whole method.

Creating AI generated content for reddit to promote your medium articles where you affiliate link is located.

It’s sound easy which it is, but the hard part is waiting for the traffic to start coming in.

This method will take at least 1–3 months to start making money from it depending on how much you post a day.

But I promise it’s worth the work and time.

Quick Tip:

When you sign up for Medium and Reddit to share your AI tool reviews,

Make sure your profile is all about AI. Use a picture that shows you’re into AI, like a robot or a computer.

Pick a username that shows you help people find AI tools.

For example:



Your bio should say you’re all about sharing useful AI stuff.

Keeping your profile focused on AI helps people know what you’re all about and attracts the right audience.

To sum it up,

As we wrap up, remember every little step counts on your path to making money with AI tools online.

Keep learning, keep trying new things, and never give up.

Whether you’re writing reviews on Medium or chatting on Reddit, your efforts matter.

Thank you for reading❤



Emiliano I ProfitPilots
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Hello! My name is Emiliano. And I am here to help you make money online! (YES it's possible just bare with me)