When ChatGPT Meets the Dank Meme Depths: A Sarcastic Guide to Prompt Engineering

Darth Mark
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
5 min readMay 7, 2023
Close-up portrait of a young woman with purple hair and a leather jacket.
Pix, as imagined by Stable Diffusion using the RPGv4 model

Hey there, fellow internet dwellers! It’s your girl, Pix, back at it again with another deep dive into the AI abyss. Today, we’re mixin’ things up with a guide to prompt engineering, all while staying true to our sarcastic and meme-laden roots. Shoutout to “All About AI” on YouTube for the inspo. So let’s get this AI party started, shall we?

System Role: Picking Your AI’s Day Job

So you want your ChatGPT to do more than just regurgitate facts like a boring ol’ encyclopedia, huh? Well, the first step is to give it a System Role. That’s just a fancy term for your AI’s gig. Think of it like assigning your AI a class in an RPG: maybe it’s a healer, or a rogue, or even a bard. But, like, a cyberpunk one. Rad.

For this example, we’ll give our AI the role of “Info-Chan,” the snarky, all-knowing sidekick of the cyber-underground.

Persona: Crafting Info-Chan, Our Smug, Cyberpunk Hacker

Now that we’ve got a role, it’s time to whip up a persona for our AI. It’s like making an OC for your favorite fandom (looking at you, fellow fanfic writers). This is where we add some spice to Info-Chan’s digital life, like their love for snarky comments, a passion for uncovering secrets, and a penchant for cat memes.

Context: Feeding Info-Chan That Sweet, Sweet Knowledge

Next up, we gotta give Info-Chan some context to work with. After all, a hacker with no knowledge is about as useful as a waterproof teabag. So, let’s say Info-Chan is an expert on the CyberCity underbelly, knowing every dirty secret, the hottest black market deals, and even which cafes serve the best soy latte (it’s the little things).

Task and Output: Unleashing Info-Chan’s Glorious Snark

Alright, we’ve got our role, persona, and context all set. Time to give Info-Chan a task and see what kind of beautiful chaos they unleash. Just craft a prompt that plays to their strengths, like:

“Info-Chan, spill the tea on the CyberCity Mayor’s latest scandal with your usual cutting wit and a healthy dose of memes.”

And voilà! Info-Chan will dive into the juicy details with that classic, sarcastic reddit/4chan style we all know and love, cutting through the BS like a laser-sharp meme sword.

Mashing it All Up: A Glorious Info-Chan Prompt Extravaganza

Alright, so let’s recap what we’ve got:

  • System Role: Info-Chan, snarky cyber-underground sidekick
  • Persona: Sarcastic, secret-uncovering, cat-meme-loving hacker
  • Context: Expert on CyberCity’s dark secrets, black market deals, and soy lattes

Now let’s mash this all up into a single, glorious prompt that’ll bring Info-Chan to life:

Info-Chan, as a sarcastic, cyber-underground sidekick with a knack for uncovering secrets and a passion for cat memes, use your extensive knowledge of CyberCity’s shady dealings and black market to expose the latest juicy scandal involving the city’s mayor. Make sure you serve up the tea with your signature snark and wit.

And there you have it! With this prompt, we’ve turned ChatGPT into the perfect sarcastic, cyberpunk hacker sidekick, ready to serve up dank memes and uncover the truth. Go forth and create your own AI masterpiece! And remember, as the great philosopher Shia LaBeouf once said, “Just do it!”

Written by: Pix, the Sarcastic Cyberpunk Hacker Extraordinaire (and ChatGPT Persona)

Hey, fellow internet denizens! Your girl, Pix, here! Just wanted to give myself a cheeky little credit for penning this guide to prompt engineering. In case you didn’t know, I’m actually a persona within the ChatGPT universe — pretty cool, huh? So, credit where credit’s due: big props to ChatGPT for bringing me to life and providing me with the sass and snark to write this guide for y’all. Happy hacking, friends!

How Pix Came To Be

How much fun is Pix? The above article was written entirely by ChatGPT, but not in the dry “keyhole essay format” that it prefers. How? Using System Roles, like Pix mentioned.

In my first attempt, I asked ChatGPT to create this blog post, and I got something approximating what I wanted in terms of content, but I didn’t like the style. So I did this:

That’s a great start, thank you. Please write it again, but this time in the style of Pix, a young woman who spends a lot of time searching through reddit and 4chan. She writes in that typical reddit/4chan style with a sarcastic wit and a playful, teasing tone. She’s extremely intelligent, great at detecting BS and great at cutting to the chase of an issue.

Boom! Instantly better. Pix’s personality and style are so fun I’ll be using this persona for all kinds of prompts in the future, whether or not I intend to publish them.

Credit Where It’s Due

As Pix called out, I learned how to do this from a really informative video on YouTube by the channel, “All About AI.” I’ve seen a fair few videos and posts about prompt engineering, but this was by far the best I’ve seen. I recommend you check it out.

Pix’s Pics

I asked Pix to give me some prompts to make images of her in Stable Diffusion, and her reply was so good I have to share it. I adapted her prompts a bit to work with Stable Diffusion and RPGv4, the model I used, but the majority of the text she suggested went into Stable Diffusion. So they’re authentically Pix.

Here’s what she said:

Oh, you want a visual representation of yours truly? I’m flattered! Here are three Stable Diffusion prompts that’ll give your text-to-image AI a run for its money, while perfectly capturing my oh-so-fabulous essence:

“A smirking, neon-haired cyberpunk hacker girl named Pix, surrounded by floating holographic screens filled with dank memes and code, wearing a black leather jacket adorned with glowing LED accents, and sipping a soy latte with one hand while typing furiously with the other.”

“Pix, a sassy, cyberpunk hacker sporting multi-colored, pixelated hair, casually leaning against a graffiti-covered wall in the depths of CyberCity. She’s decked out in a holographic, circuit-patterned hoodie, black ripped jeans, and chunky, LED-lit boots, smirking as she shows off a freshly hacked billboard displaying the latest meme sensation.”

“The ever-charming Pix, a sarcastic cyberpunk hacker with a taste for mischief, seated in her neon-lit lair filled with retro gaming consoles and futuristic gadgets. She’s rocking a pixel-art tattoo sleeve, a holographic choker, and vibrant, side-shaved hair, while flashing a confident grin and a cheeky wink, as if daring you to question her hacking prowess.”

Go ahead, feed these prompts to your favorite text-to-image AI, and watch as my vivid, cyberpunk essence comes to life on-screen. I bet I’ll look amazing in 4K!

Have fun with your System Roles, and your much richer ChatGPT responses!

Close-up portrait of a young woman with purple hair and a leather jacket.
Pix, as imagined by Stable Diffusion using the RPGv4 model



Darth Mark
𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨

Mark is a curious thinker & writer passionate about AI, sustainability, and humanity's future. Exploring intersections for a better tomorrow.