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Why not to use AI for your LinkedIn content: huge impact on reach and engagement


The delicate balance between your authenticity and using technology

That AI is nothing short of amazing is true. Every self-respecting tool and or platform offers an AI functionality to generate content. To draft or to rewrite, whatever you fancy.

However, it’s good to know that AI is not a magical replacement and does all the work for you. Please don’t over-rely on AI for your LinkedIn content, posts, or comments.

Here’s what you need to know, what to do, and what not to do.

LinkedIn doesn’t appreciate AI-generated content

Actually, based on the most recent LinkedIn algorithm report by Richard van der Blom and Authored Up, using AI for your LinkedIn content kind of s*cks.

  • AI-generated posts have 30% less reach
  • And 55% less engagement
  • AI-generated visuals get 70% less clicks
  • AI-generated comments have 4,2 x less response by the author
  • And 5 x less engagement in general

Source: The Algorithm Insights 2024 Report (pages 78,79) and Anneke van der Voort-Kruk for the recap.

If you can’t make an effort to create some decent content yourself, why the F should your followers care?

Yet, LinkedIn does offer this option if you create a post. What to do?

Well, my kind advice is to leave the LinkedIn AI rewrite tool for what it is and use your own creativity to write something intelligent and insightful.

Tips to create an authentic thought leadership post (without AI)

A few tips from the same report. For thought leadership content, the best posts are document posts with a carrousel or a video. The worst posts are external links or text-only posts.

For a document post, stick to 12 slides with about 25 to 50 words per slide and make it look sexy (create a Canva template in line with your brand guide). And a 500-word caption with some smart, witty insights in the first lines.

For industry-related content, stick to text with a visual

According to the report, the best format for industry-related content is an external link or a doc post (see above). External links usually are not the best for engagement, as they direct the reader outside of the LinkedIn platform. You can also use a text + visual post.

Use 900 to 1200 characters, with strong bold visuals. More than 1 visual enhances your reach; use vertical and people to boost the reach further. Pay close attention to the formatting of your copy; keep it light and airy with short lines and paragraphs. Make use of whitespace. A lot.

If you want to put a link in your post, go ahead. Or put it in the comments. Or edit the post after publication and once it’s picked up by the algorithm. But, if you edit, make sure it’s not more than 15% of your post.

More tips for creating content on LinkedIn

Post 3 to 4 times a week, never twice within 24 hours. Vary in formats, post in the morning, and shine on Tuesday and Thursday.

Interact with other posts and react to your own posts. The push by the algorithm is defined in the first 60 minutes and then in the next 6 hours.

Write in a human language, as if you speak to your coworker at the coffee machine. Don’t try to impress and use expensive buzzwords. Keep it authentic and real.

And this very last tip is where AI is still a novice and to be cought out. As soon as you hit the ‘write with AI’ button, the words and sentences become complicated, and your copy doesn’t sound like you.

Maximize engagement with a comment on a post

Comments are valued 15 x over a like, and the best comments are 15+ words. LinkedIn loves it if you share an insight or conversation starter in the comments. A short comment like ‘great post’ will not do the job for you. Make an effort and show you actually read the post and have a smart comment about its content.

More LinkedIn algorithm secrets, updated every month.

Wrapping it up: the future of AI in content creation

That a platform or tool offers you AI to generate your content doesn’t mean you should. It’s still early days, and we’re learning, developing, and improving every day. The quality of the AI-generated content isn’t where it should be (yet).

On a platform like LinkedIn, it’s all about human connection and sharing knowledge and insights. Conversations between real people are what make it exciting and interesting and keep it authentic. If we shift to AI-generated content, it sucks out the soul, and it loses its spark.

Use AI wisely; to help with ideation and proofreading, not to do all the work for you.

Sources and credits

The Algorithm Insights 2024 Report by Richard van der Blom. And Anneke van der Voort-Kruk for her digestible and easily accessible recap of the 123-page report.

