Why Novices Shouldn’t Join an AI Automation Agency: The Great Paradox

𝐀𝐈 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐬.𝐢𝐨
3 min readAug 7, 2023

AI automation has become quite popular as an apparently profitable approach to generate money and create a successful agency in today’s fast-paced environment. Before you join the trend and launch your own AI automation company, it’s crucial to comprehend the difficulties and constraints associated with it. In this blog article, we’ll explore the reasons why novices should proceed cautiously when using AI automation and why it might not be as great as it looks.

Problem 1: Automation Can’t Address Fundamental Problems

Because it doesn’t address underlying problems inside a firm, depending only on AI automation has several serious drawbacks. Many companies have trouble expanding, generating leads, and giving customers what they want. Without addressing these fundamental issues, using AI automation might be unproductive and perhaps make things worse.

For instance, adding an AI chatbot won’t immediately fix problems with low-quality lead generation and low closing rates at a business. It can result in a feedback loop wherein the AI chatbot is held accountable for subpar outcomes when the actual issue is with another step in the business process.

Problem 2: Insufficient process knowledge when streamlining

Because they have a poor grasp of the business processes they are attempting to optimise, AI automation companies also confront this difficulty. Without a deep grasp of how a business runs, implementing AI technologies can cause conflict and inefficiencies inside the system. Every step in the process needs to be carried out in a certain way, and if automation is used without understanding the intricacies, it may interfere with what is already beneficial to the company.

For instance, failing to comprehend the nuances of the business’ outreach plan before automating a cold email system might result in a decline in lead number and quality, thus impeding growth.

Problem 3: Being confined as a provider of XYZ mechanisms

Numerous AI automation firms specialise on one particular tool or service (such as Facebook advertisements, cold emails, etc.) and become well-known for it. The agency’s ability to develop over time and provide value to clients may be constrained if it just offers one service. The agency’s capacity for growth and financial success can be considerably impacted by service diversification and an all-inclusive strategy.

The Solution: Using Expertise to Deliver Tangible Value

Beginners should concentrate on providing their clientele with real value in order to overcome the aforementioned difficulties. Finding the most lucrative niche for firms, fine-tuning offers, and strategically placing services in the market are crucial. Before automating a process, foundational problems may be resolved and procedures can be optimised. This is where AI companies can really help their customers.


While working with AI automation firms may appear like a fast track to success and wealth, newcomers should exercise caution. Instead of jumping right towards automation, the emphasis should be on providing real value to clients by resolving underlying problems and streamlining procedures.

Keep in mind that offering true value requires knowledge of the firms you work with and a complete comprehension of them. If you’re really interested in flourishing in the B2B marketing industry, you’ll be on the right track if you understand how to address issues at their root and provide clients with tangible results.

This blog post was inspired by Leevi Erola’s YouTube channel, where he talks about the difficulties and dangers of managing an AI automation company. Take the time to study, develop, and establish yourself as a valued resource for your clients if you’re thinking of working in this industry. Success in the field of AI automation is possible, but it takes commitment, knowledge, and a desire to provide genuine value.

